Philip F. Bagwell Lecture: Jeff Hawkins, November 13, 2007

Hierarchical Temporal Memory — How a New Theory of Neocortex May Lead to Truly Intelligent Machines

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The Philip F. Bagwell Lecture celebrates the memory of Philip Bagwell, former associate professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Hierarchical Temporal Memory:
How a New Theory of Neocortex May Lead to Truly Intelligent Machines

Jeff Hawkins

Jeff Hawkins, founder, Numenta

Tuesday, Nov. 13
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Loeb Playhouse, Stewart Center

Reception immediately following

Coaxing computers to perform basic acts of perception and robotics, let alone high-level thought, has been difficult. No existing computer can recognize pictures, understand language, or navigate through a cluttered room with anywhere near a child’s facility. Following nature’s example, Jeff Hawkins has developed an understanding of how the neocortex performs these and other tasks.

Jeff Hawkins has founded three technology companies, Palm, Handspring, and Numenta, as well as the nonprofit Redwood Neuroscience Institute. He has designed numerous computing products, including the PalmPilot and Treo smartphone. His newest company, Numenta, is building a computing architecture modeled on the neocortex, and in 2004 he authored a book about brain theory titled On Intelligence. It is his hope that Numenta will play a catalytic role in creating an industry based on his theory of the neocortex and technology.

Hawkins has a BSEE from Cornell and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2003.