Frosch accepts administrative post

Robert Frosch
Robert Frosch
Robert Frosch, professor of civil engineering, will become Associate Dean of Resource Planning and Management on July 1. Leah Jamieson, the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering, announced the appointment today (6/20). "Robert brings a great mix of experience with facilities management, safety, and finances to the position, as well as strong credentials in leadership, research, and education," Jamieson said.

Frosch and Vince Bralts, current associate dean and professor of agricultural and biological engineering, will serve together in the associate dean position during the transition. Bralts will begin a sabbatical in January 2013. 

Frosch specializes in structural engineering. He received his BSE from Tulane University and his MSE and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and a registered professional engineer in the states of Indiana and Louisiana.

His research is focused on the design and behavior of structural concrete, bridge engineering, earthquake engineering, and the repair and rehabilitation of structures. His work has been used in the formation of changes to both the Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318) and the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications which are used for the design of building and bridges in the U.S. and throughout the world. His excellence in teaching and research has been recognized by his students and colleagues at Purdue through his receipt of the Harold Munson Teaching Award, the Edmund M. Burke Outstanding Professor Award, and the Roy E. and Myrna Wansik Civil Engineering Research Award. He is also the recipient of the ACI Young Members Award for Professional Achievement, the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Young Educator Achievement Award, and the University of Texas at Austin Outstanding Young Alumnus Award.

He is actively involved in professional committee work and was recently elected to the Board of Direction of the American Concrete Institute. He currently serves on a number of committees including the Structural Concrete Building Code (ACI 318), where he is a member of the steering committee and chair of one of its subcommittees.  He is also active with the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, serving on their technical activities council as well as their research and development council.