Distinguished Professors

Rakesh Agrawal
Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Muhammad Alam
Jai N. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Santokh Badesha
Distinguished Professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stephan Biller
Harold T. Amrine Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering
Alexandra Boltasseva
Ron and Dotty Garvin Tonjes Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Weng Chew
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mung Chiang
President of Purdue University and the Roscoe H. George Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Melba M Crawford
Nancy Uridil And Frank Bosseu Distinguished Professor
Supriyo Datta
Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Edward Delp
Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rao S Govindaraju
Bowen Engineering Head of the Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering and Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering
Carol Handwerker
Reinhardt Schuhmann, Jr. Distinguished Professor in the School of Materials Engineering
Ahmed Hassanein
Paul L. Wattelet Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Stephen Heister
Raisbeck Engineering Distinguished Professor for Engineering and Technology Integration
Kathleen Howell
Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Enrique Iglesia
Michel Boudart Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Mamoru Ishii
Walter Zinn Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Leah Jamieson
Ransburg Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and John A. Edwardson Dean Emerita of Engineering
Sangtae Kim
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Jay and Cynthia Ihlenfeld Head of the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Michael Ladisch
Distinguished Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Robert Lucht
Ralph and Bettye Bailey Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Mark Lundstrom
Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ajay Malshe
R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Jan-Anders Mansson
Distinguished Professor of Materials and Chemical Engineering
Kinam Park
Showalter Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering
R. Byron Pipes
John L. Bray Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Karthik Ramani
Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Doraiswami Ramkrishna
Harry Creighton Peffer Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Gintaras Reklaitis
Burton and Kathryn Gedge Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Fabio Ribeiro
William Nicholas and Elizabeth Holstein Delgass Distinguished Professor in Chemical Engineering
Kaushik Roy
Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Farshid Sadeghi
Cummins Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Vladimir Shalaev
Bob and Anne Burnett Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yung Shin
Donald A. and Nancy G. Roach Professor of Advanced Manufacturing
Kumares C Sinha
Edgar B. and Hedwig E. Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering
Scott Sudhoff
Michael and Katherine Birck Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andrew Weiner
Scifres Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering