Michael Guske — California, U.S.

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master's
Graduation: May 2024

I hope to work in a design role of some kind. Preferably in IC design or PCB layout. But what matters most to me is that the job is engaging and gives me the opportunity to provide meaningful work!


What was the most valuable advice you received before or during graduate school?


Even the smallest amount of extra effort can go a long way.


Why did you choose Purdue Engineering for your graduate studies?


I knew that attending Purdue for graduate school would allow me to move somewhere new! Coupling that with Purdue's reputable engineering programs, I knew that this was an excellent opportunity to further grow as a person.


If you could describe Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs in 3 words, which would you choose?


Dynamic, Collaborative, Encouraging


What is the coolest thing you have encountered at Purdue?


The coolest thing that I've encountered so far at Purdue is the great learning environment. Many of my classes are fewer than 20 people, making the classroom a much more personable space. In addition, many of the faculty within ECE are highly regarded in their respective fields. Being able to learn from and engage with the faculty here is quite an honor.


What do you do for fun at Purdue or nearby?


I really enjoy attending events and seminars hosted by the College of Engineering. Whether that's celebrating our faculty or listening to an industry speaker, I will try to be there!


Favorite quote and why:


"Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt." - Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five One of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite authors. I interpret this quote as a sort of epiphany. A sudden realization of the innate beauty that follows in the footsteps of all the events that transpire during our lifetime. Fun fact about Vonnegut, he was a native of Indiana and grew up in the Indianapolis metro area.


Favorite food and why:


My favorite food has got to be pizza. I have so many fond memories associated with this food and hopefully many more to come!