Mansi Girish Salvi — India

Civil Engineering, Master's
Graduation: Fall 2022

I worked on "Advance Work Packaging (AWP) for Modularization in Construction", the construction industry has always seen issues of decline in productivity, the study proposes two strong concepts, AWP and Modularization which necessitates early planning, improved stakeholder communication, comprehensive work plans to avoid any time loss during actual construction and achieve better results.


What do you hope to do after graduation?


I am working as a Field Engineer for a General Civil Contractor in California. It's an interesting job by Valley Transport Authority involving below-grade stations and at-grade metro rail. The job once completed will improve Bay area transportation. I can't wait to be on the field with my crew to get the work started!!


What was the most valuable advice you received before or during graduate school?


"Take it slow. You can't do it all at once." You go through a variety of emotions and phases during graduate school, not everything would make sense at that time. Keep your emotional health a priority and don't wear yourself out just to do it all. Take your time, you are going to do it right.


Why did you choose Purdue Engineering for your graduate studies?


Purdue was my dream school as it ranks top for civil engineering in the country and has a lot of research going on in Construction. Purdue works with industry giants and that provides students with ample opportunities to kick-start their careers.


If you could describe Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs in 3 words, which would you choose?


Fun, Rewarding, Enriching


What is the coolest thing you have encountered at Purdue?


It's not just one, my whole Purdue experience had many cool and wow moments. I become more independent living away from home and made wonderful friends that I will have for a lifetime, that excitement on the game day, spring or fall break vacations, and the city of West Lafayette which was super safe at all hours of the clock.


What do you do for fun at Purdue or nearby?


I along with my friends used to participate in many civil engineering or Purdue graduate school events, go to Purdue football games to cheer the team, try local restaurants, have late-night campus walks, and lastly hang out at Brothers, Harry's, or Cactus for the weekend. Everything gives me Nostalgia!!


If you could talk with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?


If I had a chance to talk to someone it would be President Mitch Daniels. He has seen a life full of achievements and it would be interesting to know his adventures, failures, and learnings. The story that made him Purdue's President would be inspiring. His ideas and beliefs to live life would be exciting to hear and goals for many.


Favorite quote and why:


Sounds simple but "Everything that happens, happens for a reason". Whenever something didn't work out academically or personally, I used to comfort myself by saying there's a good reason for this and I will realize it in the future if not now. Most of the time, I did. I still live by this quote. Great things are coming your way!