Brooks Leftwich — Tennessee

Engineering Education, Ph.D.
Graduation: May 2026

I'm investigating undergraduate students' ethical development, and I am specifically interested in understanding why students choose specific jobs upon graduation and how a company's or industry's ethical foundation may influence that decision.


What do you hope to do after graduation?


My hope is to become a tenure-track professor at an R1 institution.


What was the most valuable advice you received before or during graduate school?


The most valuable piece of advice I received was to be open to a change in perspective or a shift in interests. Graduate school provides a ton of opportunities to explore different interests, and sometimes the interests you came in with can evolve into new and more exciting things.


Why did you choose Purdue Engineering for your graduate studies?


Purdue Engineering offered the best opportunity to network with leading minds in my field and a world-class education to position me well after graduation.


If you could describe Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs in 3 words, which would you choose?


Innovative, Supportive, Collaborative


What is the coolest thing you have encountered at Purdue?


The coolest thing for me so far at Purdue has been the outdoor community music spaces.


What do you do for fun at Purdue or nearby?


I play golf at the Purdue golf courses at the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex!


If you could talk with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?


I would love to talk to Tiger Woods, especially if we were able to play golf at the same time. I grew up watching him play during his most successful years, and it would be great to spend time with him.


Favorite food and why:


My favorite food is Impossible Taco Pie, a recipe I found in an old cookbook I picked up from a thrift store. It is super easy to make and the leftovers are even better.