A Celebration of Engineering Creativity

LOCATION: Purdue Armory
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023

2023 Prize/Award Information

Keynote Speaker - Teddy Lu

Teddy Lu is Head of Design at Veo, a rideshare micromobility company based in Los Angeles California.  He leads the design team and oversees the design and development of the vehicles and user apps. Prior to joining Veo in 2019, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at Purdue University where he taught undergrad students about design research, sketching, and design methodologies. After receiving a B.F.A. in Industrial Design from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Teddy worked for Gravitytank, a design and innovation consultancy based out of Chicago where he worked with multi-disciplinary teams to solve complex problems for companies such as PepsiCo, Target, and Samsung. Outside of work he enjoys illustrating children’s books and exploring new places with his retired greyhound.