2023 Prize/Award Information

Design teams will have a chance to win up to $11,000 in CASH prizes with special awards including:

Multidisciplinary Design Award

The Multidisciplinary Design Award represents intentional multidisciplinary perspective taking for the purpose of developing a sound and fully integrated design solution.   Design teams exhibiting the best of Multidisciplinary Design will be able to elaborate upon how they have incorporated a wide-range of engineering discipline’s knowledge as well as expertise, knowledge and perspectives from professional domains outside of engineeringinto their design research, processes, and solution finding. Areas of particular interest include:

  1. Technical integration of multiple disciplinary fields of practice.
  2. Socio-technical integration of perspectives crossing fields of practice (i.e. engineering vs. artistry vs. culture vs. policy, vs…)
  3. Stakeholder integration.
  4. Systems integration, including that of performance/safety standards beyond a single domain of engineering (i.e. durability and electrical, or sustainability and safety, or….).
  5. Multidisciplinary perspective integration, such that the team can elaborate on how this is demonstrated in the work and within the team.
  6. Design synthesis such that the idea, model, system, product or representation presented by the team embodies compromise and consideration of contradictory perspectives, in a way that seems elegant, novel and systematized seamlessly.

2023 GOLD Winner ($2,000)

  • EZ Roll (from Mechanical Engineering)

2023 SILVER Winner ($1,000)

  • In Flight Wing Deicing for Light Aircraft Utilizing Heat Reclamation (from Mechanical Engineering)

People's Choice Award

The People's Choice Award is chosen by live popular vote of Expo attendees. 

2023 GOLD Winner ($3,000)

  • CKD Diet Tracker (from EPICS)

2023 SILVER Winner ($2,000)

  • Lunar EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) Tool Transportation Device (from Mechanical Engineering)

2023 GOLD Winner ($1,000)

  • EZ Roll (from Mechanical Engineering)

PESC Sustainability Impact Award

PESC Sustainability Impact Award is awarded to a student team for notable impact on sustainability and climate.  

2023 Winner ($1,000)

  • Digital Rotational Ultraviolet Manufacturing (from Mechanical Engineering)

Outstanding Graduate Team Award

Awarded to the highest rated graduate student team. 

2023 Winner ($1,000)

  • Wastewater Heat Recovery (from Civil Engineering)