Purchasing Operations Center

Contact Us

General Inquiry


Our Staff:
Cynthia Barnett - 49-46604
Josie Beutel - 49-68245
Andria Bradford-Hess - 49-62438
Nathan Bryant - 49-67104
Ashley Cooper - 49-45807
Charlie Daily - 49-67321
Rhett Ezra - 49-45029
Shelby Haugen - 49-45508
Nicole Martin - 49-45430
Alisha McDade - 49-62414
April Pritts - 49-42453
Zachary Wise - 49-63113

Center Leads:
Tania Bell - 49-41502
Sharon Nemeth - 49-42162

Operations Manager:
Meghan Sarault - 49-64721


A.A. Potter Engineering Center (POTR)
500 Central Drive - Room 127
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907


8:30am to 12:00pm
1:00pm to 4:30pm
Monday - Friday

Closed weekends and University Holidays


Packing Slips

Scan and submit proof of receipt of goods to fully receive orders for your purchase request

Pay an Invoice

Provide completed purchase requests, invoices, and backup documentation to your business office.

Place an Order

Complete the online survey for goods purchasing. You may instead complete the Purchase Request Form and email it to engrprocure@purdue.edu. Be sure to include the benefit to the project and an approval signature.


Provide itemized receipts, completed substitute W-9 and payee certification for a person or completed W-9 for a company, and all other backup documentation to your department's business office.


Purchasing Cards

Purchasing Cards can be used when items or services are unavailable from University-Preferred Vendors in Ariba. 

Check-Out Cards

Check-out cards are available for local and online purchases. Please first check with your department's Business Office to see if they can provide a card to you. If a card is unavailable from the department in the time frame needed, please email engrprocure@purdue.edu to request a card.

Engineering Administration (ENAD) cards are held in POTR 127 and are available for check out during regular office hours. Before using any check-out card, you will need to complete the Purchase Request Form, including the benefit to the project and an approval signature. You must also turn in itemized receipts for all purchases when you return the checkout card.

Purchasing Card Application

Applications are now processed online for all new Purchasing Cards.

Instructions for using the online application can be found in the Card Application QRG. Please contact your department's Business Office with any questions. 

Purchasing Card Limit Increase

Please complete the Online PCard Limit Increase survey. You will receive confirmation of the increase within two business days if approved. 

Change Request for Existing Cards

Please complete the Purchasing Card Change Form and share with your department's Business Manager for review and approval. Business Managers submit to pcard@purdue.edu once complete.  


Travel Cards

The Purdue University Travel Card is issued to faculty and staff who travel on official university business. Limits for the cards are based on the frequency of Travel. Further details can be found on the Central Card Services website. 

Travel Card Application

Applications are now processed online for all new Travel Cards.

Instructions for using the online application can be found in the Card Application QRG. Please contact your department's Business Office with any questions.

Travel Card Limit Increase

Please complete the Online TCard Limit Increase survey. Card Services will be in touch to confirm the increase, or if there are any questions, within two (2) business days. 


Central Procurement: Purchasing

Consultant & Personal Payments

Engineering Procurement Best Practices

Liquid Nitrogen Fill Request

Purchasing Card Manual