Dr. Jay P. Gore:
Sustainability of Combustion

Event Date: September 4, 2014
Hosted By: CoE Academic Affairs
Time: 4:30 PM
Location: ME 1061
Contact Name: Marsha Freeland
Contact Phone: 765-494-5349
Open To: all
Dr. Jay P. Gore
Dr. Jay P. Gore


Combustion is the exothermic oxidation of a fuel generally controlled and generally with beneficial short- and long-term impact on the lives of human beings.  This process is challenged by regional and global ill effects of anthropogenic CO2. For over 25 years, my students, colleagues and I have made a few contributions to the sustainability of combustion as a useful process. To conduct this research, we have used diagnostics tools including particle imaging velocimetry, laser induced fluorescence and quantitative experimental and computational infrared imaging. In this talk, I will give a few examples of our accomplishments including: (1) doubling the radiant efficiency of flames used in manufacturing furnaces by embedding them in porous ceramic matrices, (2) showing that optimal levels of partial premixing can reduce NOx emissions significantly, (3) utilization of hydrogen, (4) measuring reaction rates for recycling CO2 by reducing it using biomass, and (5) ensuring fire safety including fire safety of oil wells that blow out.  Finally, I will briefly touch on future opportunities for combustion research.


Dr. Jay P. Gore is the Reilly University Chair Professor of Engineering in the School of Mechanical Engineering. He received his B.E. from the University of Poona in 1978, his M.S. and Ph.D. from Penn State in 1982 and 1986, and his Post Doctoral Certificate from the University of Michigan in 1987. Dr. Gore joined Purdue University in 1991 as an Associate Professor, became a full Professor in 1994, and was named the Reilly Chair Professor in 2001. His research focuses on combustion and radiation heat transfer with applications to pollutant reduction, efficiency enhancements, food science, optical biopsy, fire safety, and improved fundamental understanding.  He has authored or coauthored over 150 peer-reviewed papers, including a paper that earned the Best Paper of the Year award from ASME; 4 book chapters; and over 200 conference papers. Dr. Gore has developed and revised three courses (Thermodynamics, Combustion, and Advanced Combustion) at Purdue University and three courses in heat transfer and thermodynamics at the University of Maryland.

Dr. Gore previously served as the first Director of Purdue’s Energy Center in Discovery Park (2005-2010) and Associate Dean for Research and Entrepreneurship in the College of Engineering (2002-2007). Between 2002 and 2007, he founded and led the College of Engineering’s award-winning Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, which now attracts over 150 students each year. Outside of Purdue, Dr. Gore served as a Jefferson Science and Technology Fellow in the U.S. State Department (2010-2011), where he worked with U.S. and international governors and mayors on cooperatively addressing energy and climate issues. He has been the Chairman of the Central States Section of the International Combustion Institute and the Chairman of the ASME K11 Committee on Heat Transfer in Fire and Combustion. Dr. Gore also served previously as Associate Editor of both the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer and the AIAA Journal.