
November 11, 2020

Grad student Tridib K. Saha wins Graduate Teaching Award

Tridib K. Saha, a graduate student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has won a Graduate Teaching Award from the Purdue University Teaching Academy. This award honors graduate students with teaching responsibilities from across campus for their dedication to Purdue students and their outstanding teaching contributions.
November 10, 2020

Prof. Shreyas Sen's paper on EM-Wave Biosensors selected as an Editor's Choice Article

A paper written by Prof. Shreyas Sen has been selected as an Editor’s Choice Article. Parikha Mehrotra and Baibhab Chatterjee, graduate research assistants in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, are co-authors on the paper, titled “EM-Wave Biosensors: A Review of RF, Microwave, mm-Wave and Optical Sensing.”
November 3, 2020

ECE postdoc wins international award for conference paper

ECE postdoctoral researcher Dong-Yeop Na has won an international award for a conference paper. “Quantum Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme” has been selected for one of the two 2020 IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics.
October 30, 2020

Augmented reality to provide new skills for manufacturing workforce education

Workforce education in manufacturing has traditionally been very low-tech: in-person teaching sessions, one-on-one apprenticeship, written manuals, and perhaps a video. But to keep pace with an increasing skills gap, some manufacturers are now turning to augmented and virtual reality to teach their workers new skills. A Purdue team has entered into a $5 million cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create an augmented and virtual reality experience prototype called Skill-XR.
October 21, 2020

nanoHUB wins prestigious R&D 100 Award

The nanoHUB team has been chosen as the recipient of a 2020 R&D 100 Award. This prestigious award was established in 1963 and recognizes the year's most revolutionary developments in science and technology. Past R&D 100 Award winners include Fortune 500 companies, academic laboratories, and all sizes of organizations in between.
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