ME Building Grand Reopening

Event Date: August 29, 2025
Hosted By: School of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 3:00 pm (subject to change)
Location: Mechanical Engineering Building entrance
Contact Name: Jared Pike
Contact Phone: 765-496-0374
Contact Email:
Open To: VIPs will have seats for the ribbon cutting, but all are welcome to attend
Priority: No
School or Program: Mechanical Engineering
College Calendar: Show

After two years of renovations, it’s time to throw open the doors and celebrate a newly refurbished Mechanical Engineering Building. There’s something for everyone at this event: ribbon cutting for donors/alums, guided tours for students, faculty, and staff, and showcases from the student groups.

We are celebrating the renovation of the Mechanical Engineering building by holding a Grand Reopening, including a ribbon cutting, guided tours of the new spaces, and showcases from student groups who now occupy the newly refurbished building. As we reflect on the past 150 years at this event, we will also look forward to the next 150.

The current Mechanical Engineering Building is a hodgepodge of five different buildings, built in different time periods from 1929 to 2012. As a result, the original buildings lacked space and amenities that are necessary to accommodate the largest Mechanical Engineering school in the country.

Through the generosity of alumni donors and benefactors, Purdue has spent two years renovating the original 1930s-era buildings by adding classrooms, labs, and experiential learning spaces. All the infrastructure has also been upgraded, including new elevators, restrooms, HVAC, and connecting walkways to the newer parts of the building.