Lynnora Grant
Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Massachustttes Institute of Technology (Visiting Student)

Lynnora Grant earned her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in 2017 from West Virginia University (WVU). She is a current materials science and nanoengineering PhD student at Rice University, where her thesis work is on the design, characterization, and modeling of reactive binders for use in an additive manufacturing process known as binder jet 3D printing. She is investigating an emerging class of salt-based binders that decompose into solid interparticle necks of heating. Her future research group will assess the fundamental mechanisms of preceramic polymer (PCP)-aided densification and creep of pyrolysis, engineering PCP formulations, and developing printing and post-processing guidelines that enable net-shape ceramic manufacturing. She is the recipient of the NIST NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateship and is a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellow and NSF Graduate Research fellow. In addition, Grant has served as the academic excellence chair for WVU's chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers and taught a week-long course in additive manufacturing to high school students. She is eager to teach courses including thermodynamics, ceramic processing, and mechanics of materials. Her classroom will be a space where students can ask questions, make mistakes, and receive correction and guidance, and she will hold weekly lab meetings where ideas can be shared and help can be sought.
Research Interests
Ceramic Additive Manufacturing, Sintering, Post-processing