Summer Research Opportunities
Summer Research helps undergraduate students gain additional research experience. You will explore new techniques and cutting edge research while also being able to dive more deeply into an engineering discipline. Purdue University offers a wide range of summer research opportunities that bring together 12 different schools of engineering. Come find your research fit at Purdue!
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Get paid to do summer research for 11 weeks. Each year, more than 150 students from Purdue and other Universities come together to perform research and advance knowledge. Learn more about opportunities here.
SURF Pathways Scholars
If you are an underrepresented student in Engineering, looking for summer research, then check out Purdue Engineering’s Pathways Scholars program.
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
SROP is one summer research application that lets you apply to all Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) universities, including Purdue.
CISTAR Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Fuel the future through summer research with the NSF Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR).
Tips for Applying to Summer Research Opportunities
- Give letter of recommendation writers plenty of time! Ask your current professors for letters before the end of the fall semester.
- Take time to research faculty and universities of interest to you.
- Get your application in early!
- Be prepared and organized – Application deadlines tend to be between December and early February.