PurSysT Research Colloquium

Event Date: April 6, 2023
Hosted By: Purdue Systems Thinkers (PurSysT)
Time: 5:30 pm to 7 pm
Location: WALC 3127 / Virtual
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Purdue Systems Thinkers (PurSysT) would like to invite you to their fifth Research Colloquium!

PurSysT is hosting this meeting online and in-person. The speakers will be Giulia Murbach de Oliviera and Adam Mitrevski, fourth-year graduate students of the department of Chemistry here in Purdue. 

They will be delivering on the topic: Systems Thinking in Drug Development. Giulia's half of the talk will present a systems approach towards integrating chemistry and engineering tools, next-generation drug manufacturing and distribution systems towards greater process efficiencies and improved environmental outcomes. The other half of the talk will be delivered by Adam, where he will be presenting a systems approach toward the computational design and synthesis of a dual HIV/HDAC inhibitor capable of reversing HIV latency and preventing new infection.

Meeting Options:

Location: WALC 3127 (In-person) |Refreshments to be provided

Meeting link (Joining Online): https://purdue.webex.com/purdue/j.php?MTID=m4fa4c955d1043bf7316a72ed4f996e92


Meeting number: 2623 135 8072


Meeting Password: PurSysT