Francesco Fuentes — Florida, U.S.

Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.
Graduation: 2026

I research soft robotics, which are robots made mainly of compliant, or squishy, materials. These kinds of robots are incredibly robust and can play critical roles in surgeries and environmental exploration.


What do you hope to do after graduation?


I hope to be a research professor, so I can continue exploring new research while also being able to teach the next generation of engineers and scientists.


What was the most valuable advice you received before or during graduate school?


There is no "right" way to do research. You're not here to follow a path, but to carve your own and discover new things about the world.


Why did you choose Purdue Engineering for your graduate studies?


I knew Purdue was a top school and decided to shoot high. This school has the drive and passion that I saw in myself and continue to see today.


If you could describe Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs in 3 words, which would you choose?


Purdue indexes at 0


What is the coolest thing you have encountered at Purdue?


We have a nuclear reactor! I got to visit it and see how it operates and even though nuclear engineering isn't my field, I really appreciated the passion and devotion the people there had for it.


What do you do for fun at Purdue or nearby?


Despite a fear of heights, I absolutely love to rock climb, so I often go to Climb Lafayette or at the CoRec with a pal to top rope or boulder for a few hours. I love the challenge and community that the sport comes with.


What's something unique about you, or something most people don't know?


Most people don't know that I can do magic tricks. In high school I got really into magic, so I can do a decent amount of unique card tricks with any deck of cards.


Favorite quote and why:


"One cannot remake themselves without suffering, for they are both the marble and the sculptor." I've found the greatest personal growth I've achieved has come from having to really push myself to new limits.