Amit Yadav — India

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D.
Graduation: May 2026

There are several online tools readily available to generate fake high quality digital media (image, text, video, speech). Several incidents report their use for spreading misinformation and committing financial frauds. My research involves developing speech recognition and computer vision methods that process speech and video signal to determine if they are real or fake/manipulated. If it is manipulated my research also involves localizing which regions are manipulated, and if it is fake then it involves identifying the method used for generating it. This is particularly useful in the investigation of crimes, where digital evidence can play a crucial role in identifying suspects and proving guilt or innocence. It also helps to verify the authenticity of social media posts and news content, and in detecting fake news and disinformation campaigns. That is essential for making informed decisions and maintaining trust in our digital world.


What do you hope to do after graduation?


After graduation, I hope to develop machine learning methods that are easily understood and explained, improve speech processing, and enhance machine understanding of image and video signals.


What was the most valuable advice you received before or during graduate school?


How we do anything is how we do everything


Why did you choose Purdue Engineering for your graduate studies?


The ECE department of Purdue Engineering is very established and well known. During my junior undergraduate, I found a lab at Purdue that exactly matched my interest and the graduates from the lab were doing things I would like to do after I graduate. So I joined Purdue to specifically be part of that lab.


If you could describe Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs in 3 words, which would you choose?


competitive, supportive, exciting


What is the coolest thing you have encountered at Purdue?


Bicycle parked on top of trees


What do you do for fun at Purdue or nearby?


Everyday I try to do one out of roller skating, kickboxing, running, or go to gym at Sports Center. I learnt Italian cooking and baking from demonstration kitchen and an app provided by ECE department. Once in a month I either visit club, watch movie or drive and stay for few days in nearby cities.


What's something unique about you, or something most people don't know?


I am rebellious son of a rebellious father. My father rebelled and joined judicial system to leave my family typical career choice of joining politics and being part of state cabinet ministry. He wanted me to join judicial system, I rebelled and became engineer. Both of us are together dooming family expectations


Favorite quote and why:


Don't aspire to be exceptional, but see yourself and your work as an ordinary. The work and may you end up seeming exceptional to others. This is a personal favorite quote as it helps me to not stress on being exceptional but focus on work considering it of moderate quality and hence following every steps to improve the work. It also helps me respect and value others work same as mine and at the same time it helps me to realize that everything that is considered exceptional is achievable.