Meet our GradTrack Scholars

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2022-2023 GRADTRACK Trophy

Victoria Allen

Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in design engineering with a concentration on biomechanics and mechanics of materials.
Career Interest: In an ideal world, I would love to work in the sports industry on apparel/equipment; however, this also has a lot of overlap with assistive devices and wearable technology, and those are super interesting as well.

Eliezer Amponsah

Undergraduate Institution: Michigan State University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests lie in theoretical and practical studies of computer systems and optimizations.
Career Interest: Computer Science Researcher in advanced systems and computing optimizations

Niklas Anderson

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the applications of computational modeling on real world material engineering problems.
Career Interest: I would like to work in the research sector or aerospace industry on high performance materials to increase efficiency and capabilities of aircraft.

Stephanie Atherton

Undergraduate Institution: Otis College of Art & Design
Undergraduate Major: Toy Design
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Topology, Computation, Representation Theory, Symmetry
Career Interest: Academia, R&D, Mentoring young students

Rahul Ayanampudi

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Vertical Flight, Autonomy, Guidance, Navigation, and Control, Propulsion
Career Interest: Urban Air Mobility

Nathan Azimov

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in doing research regarding neural engineering and the nervous system.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career doing research and getting my doctorate!

Addie Bell

Undergraduate Institution: University of Mississippi
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Applications of engineering concepts to the understanding/treatment of neurological disorders.
Career Interest: Enroll in a Ph.D. program and conduct research in academia while continuing to mentor students.

Aidan Billings

Undergraduate Institution: University of South Carolina
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering and Music Performance
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Discovering innovative ways to generate electricity that are better for people and cleaner for our environment
Career Interest: I aspire to become a professor, focusing both on my research interests, but also with the hope of inspiring the next generation of students and problem-solvers

Ryan Bottini

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in sustainability research within Chemical Engineering

Jaiveer Brar

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in pursuing research in several fields, including Additive Manufacturing, Solid Mechanics, Convergent Manufacturing, Battery Fabrication and Generative Design among other fields.
Career Interest: I am looking to pursue a career in Mechanical Design or Manufacturing within the Automotive and Aerospace industries.

Jessica Brittain

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Planetary science and astronomy research topics provide an interesting outlet into the unknown of space that I would love to uncover.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career related space exploration, especially in the development of robotic technology to advance space travel.

Chiara Cimarusti

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
Expected Graduation: June 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Virology, Cell Biology, and Regenerative Medicine
Career Interest: After getting my PhD, I plan on working as a researcher in the field of Tissue Engineering

Lauren Collins

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My interests lie in biotechnology and the design/delivery of biopharmaceutical systems.
Career Interest: Following the completion of my undergraduate degree, I aim to pursue a graduate degree in order to obtain a career in the pharmaceutical industry.

Caesar Coss

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Junior mechanical engineering major interested in thermal-fluids and heat transfer.
Career Interest: I am hoping to complete a graduate degree and pursue research in academia.

Barry Creighton

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Interest in fluid dynamics in aerospace applications, specifically related to compressible flow and the application to supersonic and hypersonic aircraft.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career in aerospace engineering, with a focus in the developing fields of hypersonic aircraft and sustainable aviation.

Kevin Debord

Undergraduate Institution: UT Dallas
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: RF engineering, antenna design, Space systems/spacecraft, aviation/aircraft
Career Interest: My career interests are in the aerospace industry related to spacecraft and RF engineering.

Trey Dorrell

Undergraduate Institution: Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My research focuses on advancing propulsion technology and unmanned aerial systems, utilizing innovative methods like integrating aluminum powder into ABS filaments for enhanced efficiency in hybrid rocket motors.
Career Interest: I aspire to lead pioneering projects in aerospace engineering, specializing in propulsion systems and space exploration technologies to push the boundaries of human knowledge and capabilities in space.

Eliana Duarte

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include public transit, travel behavior, and emerging transportation modes.
Career Interest: I aspire to obtain a PhD in Transportation Engineering, become a professor in the field, and leverage my expertise to develop more efficient, equitable, and sustainable transportation systems.

Allison Fleming

Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching nanotechnology and semiconductor devices, especially in the context of lowering energy consumption.
Career Interest: I am aiming to attend graduate school in Fall 2025, either in a Master's or PhD program.

Jimmy Fowler

Undergraduate Institution: University of Washington
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in control systems and electric propulsion!
Career Interest: I hope to work at an innovative company in the space exploration industry after getting a Master's or Ph.D.

Sarah Freeman

Undergraduate Institution: Miami University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My undergraduate research explores novel ways to maximize heat exchanger performance. Through a graduate degree in mechanical or aerospace engineering I am hoping to contribute to research that focuses on maximizing the performance of aerospace thermal management systems.
Career Interest: I am interested in a career developing innovative thermal management technology for spacecraft, rockets, or aircraft.

Lauren Fuentes Velázquez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I want to pursue a doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering.
Career Interest: My goal is to become a professor to motivate and teach future generations of aspiring Chemical Engineering students.

Wyatt Gay

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026

Bryn Goldstein

Undergraduate Institution: Ohio University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026

Carolina Gonzalez

Undergraduate Institution: California State University Los Angeles
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest involves thermodynamic analysis of combustion engines for optimization.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career in flight testing the next generation of fighter jets in the defense industry.

Tamia Grant

Undergraduate Institution: University of the Virgin Islands
Undergraduate Major: Chemistry and Physics
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research and academic interests lie in the field of industrial and systems engineering, focusing on optimizing processes and systems for efficiency and effectiveness in various industries.
Career Interest: My career interest is to become a manufacturing manager specializing in supply chain management within the pharmaceutical or cosmetics industry, aiming to optimize production processes and ensure seamless operations.

Ethan Gullett

Undergraduate Institution: Miami University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My research and academic interests include fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and propulsion.
Career Interest: I hope to be hired as a research and development engineer working on developing innovative aerospace propulsion systems.

Kyle Havey

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I help research in satellite thermal control systems designing a passive cooling system.
Career Interest: I want to pursue nuclear engineering so I can help the development and design of modern nuclear reactors.

Caroline King

Undergraduate Institution: Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025

Kalin Kochnev

Undergraduate Institution: University of Connecticut
Undergraduate Major: Robotics Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am fascinated by the intersection of applied mathematics, computing, and robotics.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career as an embedded firmware engineer or a controls engineer.

Rosa Marina Laureano Marrero

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic and research interest focuses on supply chain/logistics and distribution disruption caused by natural disasters and catastrophic events.
Career Interest: My professional interests converge to provide solutions and discoveries of methods to improve the quality of life of my island Puerto Rico through the recovery of the supply chain/distribution disrupted by atmospheric events and other factors.

James Lee

Undergraduate Institution: Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Major: Biosystems Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in water engineering, innovative ways that we can purify water, and factors that may affect water quality.
Career Interest: I hope to one day be a professional engineer in the field of water where I will purify and provide water to my community.

David Levy

Undergraduate Institution: University of Kansas
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in electrical engineering, quantum computing, and optics.
Career Interest: I aspire to do electrical engineering R&D.

Grace Lovell

Undergraduate Institution: University of Washington
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I’m interested in studying space systems engineering.
Career Interest: I hope to develop innovative solutions to increase sustainability in the space industry.

Natalie Luna

Undergraduate Institution: Florida International University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2027
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to become involved in research within a subfield of biomedical engineering, such as medical imaging or tissue engineering.
Career Interest: I would like to either work in the medical device industry or conduct research in a laboratory.

Samantha Lydon

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest is engineering proteins and other large-molecule therapeutics to maximize their potency and minimize side effects.
Career Interest: After graduate school, I hope to work in the biotech industry to identify therapeutic targets and develop novel technologies.

Jordan Mackie

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My primary field of interest is protein engineering, and I have a passion for health disparities research.
Career Interest: I aspire to create a more equitable world where all people benefit from the strides we make in engineering and science.

Sofia Malmhall

Undergraduate Institution: San Jose State University
Undergraduate Major: Materials Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in exploring the intersection between materials and nuclear science, and how that can be applied to broadening new and exciting scientific horizons!
Career Interest: In the future, I'm open to both working in either industry or research; I want to keep an open mind!

Brandon Mickelson

Undergraduate Institution: Swarthmore College
Undergraduate Major: Engineering and Physics
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My interests include astronautical engineering, robotics, and computational physics.
Career Interest: I have aspirations to work as a systems engineer in spaceflight.

Shea Miller-Smith

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in fluid dynamics with applications in aerodynamics and propulsion.
Career Interest: Hopes to work with fluid dynamics and in aerodynamic design roles in aerospace and motorsport applications.

Stayce Mockel

Undergraduate Institution: Oregon State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the design of assistive technologies and products that improve others quality of life, particularly in the biotechnology and assistive robotics spheres.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career in human or user centered product development and design.

Cristian Moran

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Information Systems
Expected Graduation: November 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic/research pursuits revolve around the exploration of Machine Learning and Data Analytics.
Career Interest: My career interest lies in leveraging data analysis, visualization techniques, and cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning and AI to create positive social impact.

Claire Myers

Undergraduate Institution: Tennessee Technological University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in research that utilizes biological methods to achieve environmentally friendly outcomes, like biodegradation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Career Interest: I aspire to be involved in research as a professor, industry leader, or, eventually, university administrator

Clivia Nguyen

Undergraduate Institution: San Jose State University
Undergraduate Major: Data Science
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: nanotechnology, aerospace, medical technology, AI/ML
Career Interest: entrepreneur/researcher in technology

Amanda Pawlecki

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Biological Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in various biomedical research areas, including pharmaceutics, immunology, oncology, and tissue engineering.
Career Interest: I am passionate about pursuing a career in biomedical research and working to develop new forms of therapy and treatment.

Gabriella Peburn

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research is using DNNs with time delay on force/torque control on a robot over Starlink in UF’s Nonlinear Controls and Robotics lab.
Career Interest: I hope to work for a national lab or in industry doing projects in space and robotics.

Emilio Pereira

Undergraduate Institution: University of Central Florida
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: Fall 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in characterization of detonation phenomena and optical diagnostics.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a PhD and eventually enter an R&D role within the Aerospace Industry.

Kevin Perez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2027
Research / Academic Interest: I'm passionate about leveraging engineering economic analysis, applied statistics, and sustainability engineering to evaluate the economic feasibility, assess risks, and promote environmentally conscious practices within engineering projects and systems.
Career Interest: I aspire to obtain a Ph.D so I apply my knowledge on enhancing efficiency, minimize environmental impact, and optimize resource allocation across various industries.

Matthew Pflieger

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest lies primarily in the mechanical sciences.
Career Interest: I’m interested in many areas of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Ananya Prasad

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interest in researching the ways that aerodynamic and structural principles can be applied to aircraft to make them more fuel-efficient and robust.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career in the commercial aviation industry that advances its efficiency by pioneering new technologies.

Isabelle Pummill

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I have an interest in medical device development and its applications toward the future of space research.
Career Interest: I aim to pursue a masters in bioengineering and eventually work for NASA.

Aidan Puno

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in astrodynamics for science and space explorations.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career in support of current space exploration missions, such as with NASA and its Artemis missions.

Joseph Quinlan

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests lie in pharmacokinetics and organoid models.
Career Interest: I hope to work in pharmaceutical research and development.

Allie Renshaw

Undergraduate Institution: The Ohio State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I have participated in research involving Gas Turbine Engines and my academic interest is in sustainability in the field of aerospace engineering.
Career Interest: My career interests involving pursuing a masters and entering the engineering field as a mission planning specialist with a focus ion space policy.

Joseph Ritchie

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am currently researching autonomous flight and control systems.
Career Interest: I am passionate about technological innovation and human space exploration.

Christian Roach

Undergraduate Institution: The Pennsylvania State University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in research that focuses on aspects of drug delivery and/or areas of the brain and how defects appear there.
Career Interest: I am interested in going into the pharmaceutical industry to make medicines that will help people have easier medical journeys.

Benjamin Roeder

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest is pursuing a research-based graduate degree focusing on Aerospace Systems design and optimization.
Career Interest: I am interested in being an Aerospace Engineer working on developing new space exploration technologies.

Basil Saeed

Undergraduate Institution: University of Iowa
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in pursuing a masters and potential a PhD in mechanical engineering with a research focus in energy.
Career Interest: I am interested in working in industry post graduate school and potentially starting my own business.

Jeremiah Sanders

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the drone industry, specifically the development and manufacturing of defense drones.
Career Interest: I am interested in a career in drone research and manufacturing.

Noah Schliesman

Undergraduate Institution: University of San Diego
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Neural Networks, particularly in optimizing transformer architectures through software and hardware improvements.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a PhD in Neural Networks starting Fall 2024, invoking meaningful change in the rapidly moving field.

Teah Scott

Undergraduate Institution: Howard University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching the connection between engineering industry and the society we serve as it relates to sustainable, renewable energy and access.
Career Interest: In line with my research interests, a career in engineering public policy or engineering philosophy would help me to bridge the gap regarding energy access.

Andrea Sepulveda-Vargas

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests are related to Human-Centered Design and Innovation, exploring how innovative design solutions can address complex human needs and societal challenges.
Career Interest: My career interests are developing user-centric products, improving service systems, or fostering innovative design practices that make a positive impact on people's lives.

Vinithra Seshan

Undergraduate Institution: Cal Poly SLO
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to pursue business analytics to learn how to analyze data to support business goals.
Career Interest: I would like to work in the entertainment industry to enhance user experiences using audience insights and streaming data.

Luke Severson

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I'm a mechanical engineering major with interests in electric vehicles and battery design, manufacturing and research.
Career Interest: I'm interested in working in the automotive industry with a developing EV company.

Jason Shi

Undergraduate Institution: University of Houston
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I’m interested in Electrical and Mechanical engineering.
Career Interest: Career-wise I enjoy working in Aero.

Zoe Sperduto

Undergraduate Institution: Swarthmore College
Undergraduate Major: Engineering Major, Applied Math and Educational Studies Minors
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in sustainable structural engineering––specifically mass timber structures and Design for Deconstruction and Reuse.

Divya Sundar

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Robotics, artificial intelligence, alignment, computational cognitive science, education
Career Interest: Research in my own lab or at a tech company, mentoring younger students

RJ (Roshan Joshua) Thomas

Undergraduate Institution: San Jose State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am particularly interested in the areas of Robotics and Automation
Career Interest: I would love to work in either the Renewable Energy or Medical Technology sector

Isaac Towne

Undergraduate Institution: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My interests are brain machine interfaces, neuroprosthetics, and their applications in medicine.
Career Interest: I am pursuing graduate school with the goal of performing research in the aforementioned areas and designing solutions that can benefit a wider audience.

Kanokwan Tungkitkancharoen

Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in the synthesis of mechanical engineering and public policy to inform the implementation of energy projects.
Career Interest: I hope to work as a practicing engineer and, later on, someone who crafts public policy.

Om Waghela

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in dynamics, controls, and autonomous aircraft systems
Career Interest: I hope to work as a Flight Test Engineer being a perfect link between engineers and pilots.

Madison White

Undergraduate Institution: San Diego State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in mechanical systems and fluid dynamics.
Career Interest: I am interested in starting a career in the aerospace sector.

Dylan Woods

Undergraduate Institution: University of Tennessee Knoxville
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Career Interest: I’m at interested in microelectronics and being a circuit designer.

Gabriel Zambrano

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Logic design at the RTL is my main academic interest.
Career Interest: I would love to work on RTL design for integrated circuits, specifically in VLSI.

Ryan Zerpa

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Nuclear Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to earn a PhD in plasma physics.
Career Interest: I would like to work in the research and development of novel nuclear technologies, with a particular interest in nuclear fusion.

Clark Zhang

Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025

Ryan Ziegler

Undergraduate Institution: Loyola University Maryland
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am pursuing a summer research fellowship analyzing SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) robotics in dynamic environments, and I hope to continue engaging in robotics research throughout graduate school.
Career Interest: I plan to use my engineering background to serve others, either through specialized robotics, biomechanical engineering, or in the MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) engineering industry.

Braegan Zimmerman

Undergraduate Institution: Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in orbital mechanics and launch vehicle technology.
Career Interest: I aim to work with next generation, high performance air and space vehicles.

Katie Zobus

Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: My goal is to leave a lasting impact in the stem cell field by developing innovative models for personalized medicine and transplantation!
Career Interest: I hope to be able to pursue a Ph.D. in Stem Cell Biology or Bioengineering.

Majazz Allah

Undergraduate Institution: Kennesaw State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My interests areas are aerospace and robotics.
Career Interest: NASA Robotics / Aerospace Researcher

Mychal Amoafo

Undergraduate Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Undergraduate Major: Engineering Science
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest center around the application of machine learning, adaptive filtering, and advanced control techniques to control (hybrid energy systems).
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a doctoral degree to help me pursue a career in research and development.

Paloma Arellano

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in exploring and developing techniques for machine learning and its applications to computer hardware.
Career Interest: I want to eventually have ML help solve real world problems.

Hanna Armstrong

Undergraduate Institution: University of Delaware
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in biomechanical and materials research.
Career Interest: Interested in becoming a professor and creating a wearable technology start up company.

Juan Arriaga

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I have grown an interest in robotics and controls systems.
Career Interest: Exploring the solar system and building the rovers that aid this pursuit is remarkable.

Raul Ayala

Undergraduate Institution: Brown University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Studying the dynamics of animal flight to understand how they fly.
Career Interest: Working in the aerospace sector designing novel, highly-efficient vehicles.

Garrett Miguel Berliner

Undergraduate Institution: Oregon State University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Utilizing machine learning to improve computer science equity, specifically within the realm of accessibility and engagement for CS Education.
Career Interest: Purdue a PhD in Computer Science to research and develop innovative ways to increase and improve fairness within the field.

Amanda Cai

Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in materials science research for the development of new medical technology.
Career Interest: I plan to pursue a PhD before becoming a researcher either in an academic or industrial setting.

Andrea Camacho-Betancourt

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in STEM Education research, specifically experiential learning, though open to other fields of STEM Education.
Career Interest: I plan to pursue a PhD before entering academia in the hopes of having my own experiential learning classroom.

Dominick Caponigro

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in design and manufacturing as well as concepts related to machine design.
Career Interest: I plan on working at a US national lab to pursue a career in the defense field.

Wyat-no-kwe Cervantes

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Community and environmental support through engineering education or sustainability
Career Interest: Tribal engineering consultant

Shreya Chandra

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Davis
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2026
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interests lie within bioastronautics/space architecture, space engineering, and propulsion.
Career Interest: I aim to contribute to the space industry as an aerospace engineer.

Idalina Lees Claudio Rodriguez

Undergraduate Institution: Universidad Ana G Mendez Recinto de Gurabo
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in electromechanical design of motors
Career Interest: Work in aerospace industry

Morgan Cobb

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: For research, I am really interested in artificial intelligence and not only how it affects the tech world but our social environments as well.
Career Interest: After I graduate I want to become a professor specializing in engineering education and artificial intelligence.

Eric Cobos

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest is thermodynamics, specifically heat pumps, especially in the realm of HVAC systems and refrigeration.
Career Interest: My career interest would be working on the design and development of aircraft engines.

Alberto Cruz Salaman

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in robotics and development of unmanned control systems for different applications.
Career Interest: Looking to pursue careers in the area of software development and design with applications in robitics, ML and AI

Penelope De La Torre

Undergraduate Institution: Northwestern University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in advanced manufacturing processes, modeling and simulation of composite materials, and exploring how this may be relevant to biomedical applications.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue academia and support students that come from similar backgrounds as me.

Sarah DeVito

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in Astrodynamics and how it applies to interplanetary trajectories.
Career Interest: I look to have a long career in the space industry doing mission planning and I plan on making my way up to being an astronaut.

Anais Del Rosario

Undergraduate Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in research in pharmaceutics, biomaterials and immunology.
Career Interest: I would like to gain a PhD and work in R&D.

Armand Destin

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Biological Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching areas related to bioastronautics, space medicine, and biology
Career Interest: My career goal is to apply my experience to medical research for both Earth and space.

Alice Dragnea

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024

Sanya Dronawat

Undergraduate Institution: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Tissue Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Career Interest: Interested in graduate school and research in an academic setting

Jorge Duarte

Undergraduate Institution: New Jersey Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I want to study Intelligent transportations systems which is the use of technologies such as cameras, radars, or sensors to improve traffic or make it more safe and sustainable.
Career Interest: I want to conduct applied research in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) while serving with a Department of Transportation (DOT) or Transportation Agency.

Autumn Edwards

Undergraduate Institution: Howard University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in enhancing unmanned aerial vehicles ability to contribute to space exploration.
Career Interest: I aspire to work as a UAV engineer and eventually become an astronaut.

Susanna Eng

Undergraduate Institution: Cal Poly Pomona
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering-Geospatial Option
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I look forward to using my information systems background in remote sensing research
Career Interest: My professional goal is to become a licensed engineer & systems administrator.

Anthony Espinoza

Undergraduate Institution: University of Nevada Las Vegas
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in aerospace, nuclear and automotive engineering.
Career Interest: I hope to one day be a part of a team that can have a beneficial impact on the world through engineering.

Dylan Figueroa

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Electric Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Control systems
Career Interest: Engineer

David Flores

Undergraduate Institution: Penn State University
Undergraduate Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: Machine learning and simulations for development of complex materials with energy and sustainability applications
Career Interest: Exploring the intersections between computational materials research and entrepreneurship, with a focus on mentoring Hispanics in STEM

Xavier Flores

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My interests are related to Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences and the intersection between the two
Career Interest: My career goals include pursuing a career in research at the national laboratories.

Edward Fluker

Undergraduate Institution: Syracuse University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I currently research different types of electrolyte systems for alternative energy storage.
Career Interest: I am interested in alternative energy and hope to conduct research in that field.

Jarrett Fowler

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My current academic interests are primarily centered around mechanobiology and assessing the mechanical characteristics of certain cells and materials to elicit desired responses or functions.
Career Interest: I plan to pursue a career in research, obtaining my Ph.D. and going either into academia or industry, with the end goal of being a professor.

Lilly Garcia

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Los Angeles
Undergraduate Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Drug discovery and Drug delivery Research, Formulation and production of bioproducts
Career Interest: Process Development and Research in the pharmaceutical industry, Bioprocess Engineering

Juan Garza

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Design of computer Hardware and architecture
Career Interest: VLSI

Alex Gonzalez

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Nanoengineering and Physics
Expected Graduation: Fall 2026
Research / Academic Interest: A wide range of research interests which include researching into nano and quantum technologies.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career in the field of research of novel systems using the fundamental physical principles of our universe.

Jennifer Gonzalez

Undergraduate Institution: Syracuse University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Organ-on-a-chip/ Personalized Medicine to combat cancer and other diseases based on a patient's genotype

Jonathan Hale

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Davis
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in exploring rocket propulsion systems that will help improve deep space exploration for humans.
Career Interest: I am interested in testing and development of rocket engines.

Katie Hart

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I have always had a love for space, but have recently discovered my interest in fluids and propulsion within aerospace engineering.
Career Interest: I'm interested in pursuing a graduate degree in aerospace engineering and then building a career in either applied research or academia.

Karina Hollis-Brau

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I an interested in aerospace propulsion, specifically focusing on sustainability in the aerospace industry.
Career Interest: I see myself having a career within the space industry in the future.

Tochukwu Iyke-Nzeocha

Undergraduate Institution: University of Rochester
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in conducting research on the design and development of novel drug delivery systems.
Career Interest: I am interested in a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering to explore advanced drug delivery technologies and revolutionize the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Arielle Jackson

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Biotech
Career Interest: Research/R&D

Kayla Kendricks

Undergraduate Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in pursuing a PhD in agricultural engineering or engineering education.
Career Interest: I want to work for the FDA.

Sarah Kinney

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching the use of smart materials in aerospace applications, particularly as applied to morphing aerospace structures.
Career Interest: My career interest is to work in the aerospace industry and contribute to the development of low-boom supersonic overland flight.

Hermann Klein-Hessling Barrientos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests lie in the field of catalysts and Material Science for the rapid adoption and implementation in renewable energy fields. This stems from my vested interest in the field of climate change mitigation and the intersectionality it shares with engineering.
Career Interest: My long-term professional goals lie in international engineering consulting in the rapidly growing Green Tech space.

Nabil Koney-Laryea

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in studying the applications of machine learning to large language models, socio-political studies, and robotics.
Career Interest: I am interested in conducting HCI and HRI studies as a research scientist in an industry environment.

Marcus Lenz

Undergraduate Institution: Columbia/ Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering/ Physics
Expected Graduation: 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interests lie in Mechanical systems in Aerospace.
Career Interest: I wish to pursue a career In Mechanical Engineering

Brianna Lewis

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in building my knowledge within the field of biomedical engineering to pursue research and attend graduate school.
Career Interest: I am interested in creating artificial organs, medical devices and/or prosthetics.

Santiago Lopez

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Physics/Math
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: While pursuing a degree in physics and math, my current research focuses on quantum computing with superconducting circuits.
Career Interest: My plans are to attend graduate school and complete a PhD program in physics, then work at a company as a researcher in quantum computing.

Gabriela Lozada

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the bioengineering field, more specifically biomechatronics
Career Interest: I am interested in working in research and development of medical devices

Brandon McClain

Undergraduate Institution: Tuskegee University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I’m interested in biomedical engineering materials research as well as chemistry and physics subjects.
Career Interest: I’m interested in chemical engineering with a biochemical specification.

Steph Meikle

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I currently work on alternative niobium-based anode development for lithium-ion batteries, and have interests in neutron diffraction and in situ x-ray diffraction characterization.
Career Interest: I aspire to pursue a career in academia as a professor, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the renewable energy field.

Alberto Miranda

Undergraduate Institution: University of Utah
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in learning about and researching medical devices.
Career Interest: I am hoping to work/conduct research in the medical device field whether it be in Industry or Academia

Ashley Miranda

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Material Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I have an interest in studying sustainable materials including thin films for solar cells.
Career Interest: I would like to have a career in research and development helping create sustainability for the future.

Megdess Negussie

Undergraduate Institution: University of Buffalo
Undergraduate Major: Computer engineering/Robotics
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Attend graduate school with a focus on doing research in the field of Robotics
Career Interest: Do research work in the field of Bio-inspired Robotics.

Japa Parikh

Undergraduate Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in energy systems and sustainable infrastructure for more environmentally conscious city design.
Career Interest: I would like to attend graduate school for a Masters to provide better solutions in the industry.

Aditi Patel

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I want to purse a masters in structural engineering.
Career Interest: I want to become a structural engineer.

Amariah Peedikayil

Expected Graduation: June 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in ovarian cancer research and developing life-saving immunotherapy treatments.
Career Interest: After earning my degree, I plan to focus on advancing drug delivery and disease therapy.

Fabiana Perez

Undergraduate Institution: Syracuse University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest is the development of cost efficient and reliable clean energy.
Career Interest: I am pursing a career in the energy industry, specifically the research and development of clean energy.

Marcos Pesante Colón

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in studying Control Systems theoretically and practically (especially from a robotics perspective).
Career Interest: I am interested in designing control systems for cutting-edge applications such as driverless cars and other robotics applications with the end goal of helping improve our quality of life.

Joseph Pinkston

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in studying the dynamics and control of aerial systems.
Career Interest: I am interested in analyzing and developing advanced control systems for future rockets, rotorcraft landers, and other aerial systems.

Natalya Polite

Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering and Applied Engineering Technology
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest lies within Human Computer Interaction and Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence.
Career Interest: I aspire to become a software engineer and an entrepreneur of a tech company, creating technologies that will continue to advance our society.

Xavier Portalatín

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest are focused on material and thermal science for aerospace and renewable energy applications.
Career Interest: My career interests revolve around becoming a prestigious researcher, scientist, and professor in my country.

Sean Ramirez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My current academic and research interests lie in further explorations of quantum information theory, especially those relating to quantum communication and networks.
Career Interest: Ultimately, I intend to render research into a career via either a post-doc position at a university or national laboratory.

Paola Ramos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: : My research interests mainly focus on sustainable chemistry, environmental and materials engineering.
Career Interest: My long term goal is to do a Ph.D in Materials Engineering with a focus on polymers and nanomaterials.

Christian Roach

Undergraduate Institution: The Pennsylvania State University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest is in the brain and how brain defects can come to be in the human body. I am also interested in the medical field and how it ties into chemical engineering.
Career Interest: I am interested in going into pharmaceuticals and making medicines to help provide more ease to medical journeys.

Hector Rodriguez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Denver
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science and Mathematics
Expected Graduation: June 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I have an interest in the implementation of artificial intelligence in educational assessments.
Career Interest: I want to do research in educational technology, specifically the usage of artificial intelligence to assess students in an equitable manner

Mariana Rodriquez

Undergraduate Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: My interest is in the development of tissue engineering, specifically in the future prospect of bioprinting custom organs.
Career Interest: For my future career, I want to acquire an MD/Ph.D. in order to practice organ transplant surgery while also doing research on bioprinting organs for my patients.

Homar Rodríguez Ramos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My academic and research interest as a computer engineering student lies in cyber-physical & embedded systems, hardware security against electromagnetic interference, and cybersecurity in Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Career Interest: My career interests lie in developing resilient cyber-physical systems technologies in a research setting and STEM education in cybersecurity and networking topics.

Bryan Saltos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Connecticut
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I want to do research in clean energy/nuclear reactors
Career Interest: Thinking about going to do grad school.

Felipe Sandoval

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I’m very interested in electromagnetics and communication systems
Career Interest: I’m very excited to take part in innovating within the space industry

Nyima Sanneh

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I have done research on replicating aeroelastic effects on a wind tunnel wing model. I have also served as chassis lead and project manager of my university's SAE Supermileage team and am looking forward to the next year of working with SAE Aero.
Career Interest: I would like to focus my career on research in both structures, potentially mitigating flutter effects, for hypersonic vehicles.

Skyler Smith

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech

Micheal Sun

Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, and algorithmic development.
Career Interest: I hope one day that I can use my skills to make cutting-edge technologies affordable and accessible for all while advancing AI technologies.

Stefanie Surdyka

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in drug development within the pharmaceuticl/biopharmaceutical industry as well as innovations in biotechnology.
Career Interest: I would like to eventually lead an Research & Design team for a pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical company.

Pryce Tharpe

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering, BSCMPE
Expected Graduation: May 2026
Research / Academic Interest: I have many interests and curiosities pertaining to computer engineering, therefore I plan to narrow my interests through experience in upcoming years.
Career Interest: I believe I need to experience more careers within computer engineering before being able to narrow my interests, as I am interested in many of the available careers and flexible toward my future.

Jose Trujillo Parra

Undergraduate Institution: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the field of power electronics and its applications in transportation electrification.
Career Interest: I want to pursue a career in R&D or a career in academia as a professor.

Nathon Tubbs

Undergraduate Institution: Tuskegee University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: To utilize my knowledge of the engineering world to improve and build upon previously established technologies of energy production to ensure our future generations can continue to develop.
Career Interest: I am interested in the world of engineering, more particularly, potential applications of renewable power and continuous development and improvement of daily operations.

Jessica Turner

Undergraduate Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality; I especially enjoy studying these topics in the context of computing for social or environmental good.
Career Interest: My goal is to become a professor in computer science so I can mold the next generation of computer scientists and encourage minority students like myself to persevere in this field.

Angel Vazquez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science & Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest lies in utilizing machine learning and deep learning techniques for enhancing cybersecurity in cyber-physical and IoT systems operating under complex and highly constrained environments.
Career Interest: My career interest is to work on cutting-edge cybersecurity research for military and national security applications, while also utilizing my expertise to create an impact in society and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals through teaching and promoting education in underrepresented communities.

George Yang

Undergraduate Institution: St. Olaf College
Undergraduate Major: Physics and Mathematics
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Building a computer from scratch and 3D printing is an illustration of how my research and academic interests are centered on practical activities that require destroying and recreating things using my problem-solving, creative, and innovative skills.
Career Interest: I have a desire to help people by being involved in the community, and I think that by pursuing a profession in mechanical engineering, I will be able to do this.

Loukia Agoudemos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching biomaterials, cell, and tissue engineering-based regenerative medicines and therapies.
Career Interest: I hope to one day earn my graduate degree and apply that degree towards helping others and advancing biomedical technology.

Natalia Alonzo

Undergraduate Institution: Boston University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023

Mateo Amprimo

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in aerodynamic aircraft design and propulsion systems for aircraft.
Career Interest: Would like to contribute to the design of engines and aerodynamic components of commercial aircraft focused on sustainability for the future.

Yan Aquino Gutierrez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in AI/Machine Learning and how could we use it to predict the outcomes of certain events.
Career Interest: Create software that adds value to people's lives.

Pablo Ariza

Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in nano-biotechnology and applications in the pharmaceutical and exploration industries.
Career Interest: Interested in leading design on pharmaceutical processes in biotechnology.

Azeez Ayantayo

Undergraduate Institution: Wayne State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest includes aeronautics/robotics.
Career Interest: My career interest is to work in the automotive industry by the time I graduate.

Maryam Azmandian

Undergraduate Institution: UC Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I have a broad range of research interests, including Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Robotics, Virtual Reality, and Signal Processing!
Career Interest: I would love to work at the intersection of academia and the industry, as I hope to make advancements in the academic field and breakthroughs in tech!

Mohammad Badawy

Undergraduate Institution: New Mexico State University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering and Microbiology
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Industrial usage of bacteria.
Career Interest: Industrial Microbiologist

Andrew Bennett

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My interests lie within the fields of Astrodynamics and Orbital mechanics/dynamics.
Career Interest: My goal is to get my PHD and either continue research in academia or pursue research underneath a company.

Kaylin Borders

Undergraduate Institution: San Diego State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the development of advanced space systems and new space exploration technology
Career Interest: I hope to work as a researcher at an industry or national laboratory.

Hannah Cochran

Undergraduate Institution: University of Louisville
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: July 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in medical and pharmaceutical development to increase international accessibility to healthcare.
Career Interest: I'm interested in becoming an R&D biochemical engineer.

Calleb Diaz Acevedo

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in sustainable development and renewable energy.
Career Interest: Work in the development of new technologies to reduce the environmental impact of energy production.

Alice Dragnea

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am currently interested in quantum information processing.
Career Interest: I would like to conduct research in the field of quantum computing-whether that be through academia or industry.

Abd Alrahman Elaksher

Undergraduate Institution: New Mexico State University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023

Giulia Episcopo

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am currently an undergraduate researcher under the Dr. You-Yeon Won Lab at Purdue, and my research focuses on the development and morphology of biocompatible polymers to be used as drug delivery systems.
Career Interest: My overarching career goal is to view engineering through a diversified lens to ensure that I can help engineer the most efficient and effective products for a wide range of consumers and their needs in the consumer products, pharmaceutical, and/or oil & gas industries.

Hannah Farley

Undergraduate Institution: University of Portland
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in applying for a PhD in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on fluidics and thermodynamics in application to drug delivery and disease therapy
Career Interest: Once completing my PhD, I hope to work as a postdoc or lab researcher, then become a professor so I can mentor younger generations of engineers.

Brian Garcia Hernandez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Rochester
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in sustainability and renewable energy; I want to pursue research in minimizing CO2 emissions by converting CO2 into a valuable commodity or by determining methods to avoid combustion of fossil fuels to get the energy we need.
Career Interest: My career goal is to pursue a Ph.D. in chemical engineering, Afterwards, if I'm certain I will work in the chemical engineering industry, preferably in the field of renewable energy.

Gabriela Gonzalez

Undergraduate Institution: Columbia University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching the intersection between reliable space communications and encryption.
Career Interest: I am interested in someday starting my own communications company and becoming a professor.

David González Narváez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico at Cayay
Undergraduate Major: Chemistry
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Computational study of the spin structures and cation intermixing in the perovskite heterostructure LaCoO3/SrFeO3 / Achieve a PhD degree in order to become a professor.
Career Interest: I plan to complete a doctoral degree in chemical engineering in order to become a professor or a professional in the industry.

Eyobel Haile

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interest revolves around the technology of additive manufacturing and the endless possibilities that it creates.
Career Interest: My career interest is in scientific research of additive manufacturing and other technologies alike.

Noor Halabi

Undergraduate Institution: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Undergraduate Major: Chemistry
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests center around transport phenomena in biological systems.
Career Interest: I aspire to become a professor in Chemical Engineering and help give rise to new generations of engineers.

Mishelle Hernandez

Undergraduate Institution: New Jersey Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to pursue a master's in electrical engineering.
Career Interest: I would like one day to participate and help to the development of renewable energy.

Dela Houssou

Undergraduate Institution: Iowa State University
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in in computational. mechanics and scientific computing, natural hazards engineering, risk and resilient infrastructure.
Career Interest: My goal is to earn my PhD and while doing work on building my own start-up.

Mona Jawad

Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the intersection of accessible technology and education, especially as it relates to the deaf community.
Career Interest: My goal is to enter academia to both conduct research and teach.

Kenneth Jones

Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I aspire to attend graduate school and pursue a PhD in neuroscience.
Career Interest: I am not completely sure about my career interest, but I do know that later in my career that I may consider becoming a professor.

Jocelyn Kenley

Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I plan to go to graduate school for my Ph.D. and study nanotechnology with a concentration on cancer.
Career Interest: I wish to be a researcher in nanotechnology and doing research around the world.

Amena Khatun

Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I’m interested in learning more about sustainable materials research and fabrication.
Career Interest: I want to work on R&D in industry.

Andrew Kiama

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I have a strong interest in structural engineering, and hope to pursue possibly a master's in Civil Engineering, as well as an MBA or a Master's of Engineering Management.
Career Interest: I'd like to go into the civil engineering field, with my technical role slowly shifting towards more of a managerial role.

Rosa Marina Laureano

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My academic interest is in Logistics and Distribution.
Career Interest: My career interest is in Supply Chain and Optimization.

Edith Llontop

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in advancing the tools for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Career Interest: I have found an interest in autonomous navigation systems and hope to be a part of that industry.

Tracey Lott

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My primary research interests are virtual and augmented reality.
Career Interest: In my career, I wish to continue to conduct research and become a science educator for the public.

Matthew Lucia

Undergraduate Institution: Columbia University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in using chemical engineering and polymer physics principles to study properties of synthetic biomolecular systems.
Career Interest: I want to get a Ph.D. in an engineering field so I can conduct my own research on novel bio-derived synthetic materials.

Ainara Machargo del Rio

Undergraduate Institution: Iowa State University
Undergraduate Major: Software Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I'm still learning about my interests but right now I am interested in Syatem and Software Security and Embedded Systems.
Career Interest: My ultimate goal would be to work somwhere where I could help improve Puerto Rico's power grid and wifi infrastructure.

Madaline Marland

Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I conduct research into metal organic frameworks for pharmaceutical and drug delivery applications.
Career Interest: I hope to become a professor and conduct research in an academic or institutional setting.

Marco Marrufo

Undergraduate Institution: California State University, Long Beach
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests involve optoelectronics, imaging instrumentation, and communication systems utilized for space systems.
Career Interest: Currently, I am a Pathways intern at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and I want to continue my career at NASA after obtaining my PhD to become a subject-matter expert within a field related to optics, communications, and instrumentation design for many of the space missions conducted at Goddard.

Wilbert Mays

Undergraduate Institution: Oakwood University
Undergraduate Major: Biochemistry
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research/academic interests are focused primarily on explosive/energetic materials chemistry and nanotechnology applications.
Career Interest: Once I obtain my PhD, I plan to conduct explosive/energetic materials chemistry research with nanotechnology applications for government weaponization, and eventually start my own research company.

Malcolm McClymont

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Computer hardware design
Career Interest: Computer hardware research and development

Steph Meikle

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in developing hybrid artificial photosynthesis, photovoltaic, battery cell, and energy storage materials to combat the effects of climate change.
Career Interest: I aspire to become a nanotechnology or renewable energy materials post-doctoral researcher at a research institution and eventually specialize in professorship.

Marlene Mendez Mendez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering, focusing on the manufacturing, processing, and characterization of polymers for medical devices.
Career Interest: My career interests are doing research in the medical devices field and been to help others through the power of the knowledge acquired from those studies.

Malik Merchant

Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University - College Station
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Researching new ways to use green energy to help the environment. Love learning new concepts and physics.
Career Interest: Plan on working either in the energy field or semiconductor area of chemical engineering.

Miguel Montalvo

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Engineering Physics
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in both aerospace engineering and astrophysics, and I have completed some research in computational astrophysics.
Career Interest: I plan to get a PhD in either Astrophysics or Aerospace Engineering and then work for NASA.

Kwame Ntim

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in researching battery modules, next-generation fuel cell system and hydrogen storage technologies, recycling battery solutions, and learning more about electrochemical cells.
Career Interest: I plan to apply cell technologies to the emerging fields of renewable energy production and electric vehicles, and use my research findings to expand the EV industry.

Lauren Oleksy

Undergraduate Institution: Clarkson University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include catalysis, material synthesis, carbon capture and utilization, renewable energy, and organic chemistry.
Career Interest: I plan on pursuing my PhD and working at a prestigious institution where I can conduct research to address the effects climate change and teach classes.

Roberto Ortega

Undergraduate Institution: Colorado State University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in designing readily available prosthesis and developing new and novel biomaterials for the improvement of biomechanics.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career in the biomedical engineering industry, improving access to healthcare for underserved communities.

Demetri Petrou

Undergraduate Institution: University of Rhode Island
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am a biomedical engineering and computer science major looking to integrate cutting-edge medical devices and the needed software through my skills as a researcher and student.
Career Interest: In the future, I hope to continue my development as a researcher in graduate school and lead the development of new technologies in my field in industry.

Sritharini Radhakrishnan

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in optimizing the energy efficiency of power electronics.
Career Interest: I hope to work at the intersection of sustainability and technology.

Anushka Rathi

Undergraduate Institution: Boston University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the design of wearable devices and also have interest in soft robotics.
Career Interest: I aspire to have a career in academia as a professor and work in my own research lab.

Gabriela Renta Lopez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering

Levi Reyes Premer

Undergraduate Institution: University of New Mexico
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am researching a Photovoltaic-Hybrid System in an evacuated tube and want to continue research in the solar area.
Career Interest: I want to push the boundaries of solar and research how solar thermal technologies can be integrated and provide a more resilient future.

Desiré Rivera Borges

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I wish to pursue a PhD in biomedical engineering to develop accessible, low cost treatments for patients.
Career Interest: After obtaining a PhD, I want to pursue a career in an interdisciplinary research and development environment, where I can apply concepts of engineering, medicine, and economics to solving real-world health problems in an efficient way.

Melanie Rodríguez

Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in sustainability, energy, and catalysis research and in the development of therapeutics.
Career Interest: Interested in going to graduate school and continue to pursue research in an academia setting or at a national laboratory.

Luis Romaguera Rios

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My current research interest includes material science and its potential applications on sustainable engineering.
Career Interest: I am currently looking to continue graduate studies after finishing my bachelor's degree and afterwards go into the industry with a better academic background.

J. Sampayan

Undergraduate Institution: San Diego State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I desire to research anything that combines Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science.
Career Interest: My career interests involve being an engineering scientist for any academic institution.

Maria Santaliz

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024

Carlos Santini-Guerrero

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include aerospace propulsion systems and aerodynamics
Career Interest: I hope to one day gain experience as a researcher in the aerospace industry to become an astronaut

Karla Soto Cuevas

Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in control theory for nonlinear dynamical systems.
Career Interest: I want to go to graduate school and gain research experience in robotics before working in industry.

Guillermo Sotomayor-Reinat

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Research related to chemical engineering and materials engineering.
Career Interest: Transition to industry after obtaining a graduate degree. Would consider becoming a professor in the future.

Brandton Tapia

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Novel methods for carbon capture and utilization
Career Interest: Research and development of renewable energy practices in the private sector

Michael Taylor

Undergraduate Institution: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: My interests in academia revolve around machining, internal combustion engines and vehicles or alternative energy around lightning.
Career Interest: My career interest revolve around internal combustion engines, transmissions, machining and manufacturing, working in machine shops, energy from lightning

Christina Thaggard

Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to continue my education in chemical engineering, chemistry, or pharmaceutical science and specialize my research in drug development or discovery
Career Interest: My career interest is to do research or work in the biopharmaceutical industry to create or advance drug development, production etc.

Makena Thompson

Undergraduate Institution: Trine University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I would like to further explore and refine my interest in mechanical engineering.

Ethaniel Tobar

Undergraduate Institution: Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Improving environment mitigation strategies through unmanned areal systems.
Career Interest: Developing urban air mobility that enables travel for all.

Allessandra Totaro Villar

Undergraduate Institution: UC Berkeley
Undergraduate Major: Nuclear Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the medical and safety applications of nuclear science.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career with the government.

Jaylin Trice

Undergraduate Institution: Louisiana State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: Medical school is my main option.

Flor Trinidad

Undergraduate Institution: Washington State University
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: April 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm interested in Alzheimer and dementia and bringing awareness.
Career Interest: I'm interested in biotechnology and teaching others.

Carla Troche-Vargas

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2024
Research / Academic Interest: How the human capabilities are applied to the design of equipment, tools, systems and processes.
Career Interest: Would like to support the development of space flight by verifying that designs and operations meet the requirements.

Atre Turner

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Industrial/Systems Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I want to learn more about education and learning.
Career Interest: I want to be a professor one day.

Paola Urbina Ramos

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests consists of materials science, sustainable chemistry, green synthesis and catalysis.
Career Interest: I want to pursue a Ph.D in materials engineering and eventually be a professor with my own research laboratory.

Emily Wallace

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the engineering of biological systems and networks with the intent of identifying and developing novel therapeutic strategies.
Career Interest: I plan to pursue a Ph.D. in bioengineering before entering the pharmaceutical or biotech industry to research and develop life-saving drugs and therapies.

Kaitlyn Watson

Undergraduate Institution: University of Maryland
Undergraduate Major: Bioengineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in biotechnology research, specifically focusing on drug delivery and disease at the cellular level.
Career Interest: I am interested in pursuing a career as a researcher in the biotechnology industry and later using my experience to teach.

Monique Watson

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2025
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in improving medical machinery and making medical support more accessible.
Career Interest: I am interested in working in research so that I can improve medicine.

Conrad Wyrick

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in robotics, machine learning and biomechanics.
Career Interest: My career interest are uncertain at the moment, but I know they involve graduate school.

Patrick Aghadiuno

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: 5/2022
Research / Academic Interest: I want to research renewable energy production through the use of electro catalysis.
Career Interest: I want to become the founder of an energy company that utilizes clean energy production technology.

Izoduwa Aimiuwu

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in generating new paths for sustainable development and food production within the realm of chemical engineering.
Career Interest: I would like to have a role in global development with a focus in sustainability for future generations.

Jose Amador

Undergraduate Institution: Northwestern University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in automation, robotics, and control systems
Career Interest: I want to eventually apply my skills in diverse areas that benefit humanity such as space exploration and medical robotics

Diana Aponte Claudio

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include the implementation of engineering materials in aerospace applications.
Career Interest: Hopefully one day I will become a professor and researcher at my home institution.

Ryan Aponte

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I'm most interested in reinforcement learning.

Chloe Arana

Undergraduate Institution: Michigan State University
Undergraduate Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I'm completing an additional concentration in polymer engineering, and my main interest is processing and recycling of thermoset plastics.
Career Interest: My long term goal is to complete a PhD in chemical engineering, and to work as a process design engineer, specifically in the petrochemical industry.

Carolina Arroyo

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the optimization of healthcare services.

Jefferson Bahe

Undergraduate Institution: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering - Astro Track
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I want to utilize my knowledge in Aerospace Engineering to expand on our known knowledge of space exploration.
Career Interest: I strive to contribute to space exploration by working with organizations that are currently leading the effort in space exploration and associated sciences.

Preston Brazzle

Undergraduate Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: Signal processing applications in embedded systems and software development
Career Interest: Higher education through undergraduate teaching and mentorship

Fernando Davis

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Software Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: Machine Learning and Optimization with focus on Computational Tomography and related Signals and Image Processing areas.
Career Interest: Professor and Researcher in the area of Signals and Image Processing with focus in Biomedical Research.

Husman Elgaali

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: Researching viable and environmental friendly substitutes for cement in concrete mixtures
Career Interest: I would like to pursue a career in academia, eventually becoming a professor and/or managing my own lab.

Katrina Fierro

Undergraduate Institution: The University of Texas at Austin
Undergraduate Major: Architectural Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Sustainability in the built environment
Career Interest: Structural engineering with environmentally-conscious design

J Flores Govea

Undergraduate Institution: Clemson University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I want to get my PhD in Aeronautics & Astronautics specializing in space propulsion.
Career Interest: I want to go into industry and eventually lead research groups focused on space propulsion.

Ronaldo Franjul

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Undergraduate Major: Chemistry
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research involves using nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles to remove contaminants in wastewater bodies and soils, such as heavy metals and uranium salts.
Career Interest: I am a chemistry undergraduate student interested in studying materials and their applicability in everyday problems: the biodegradability of plastics and the use of electrochromic materials to modulate the light in-vehicle mirrors, among others.

Rwaka (Bruce) Furaha

Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: I'm currently interested in research topics including regenerative medicine, nanotechnology, and Polymer materials.
Career Interest: I'm aspiring to work in industry to better healthcare with the use of science

Larden Garland

Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina State University
Undergraduate Major: Paper Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I hope to research various materials to find new applications of biodegradable, recyclable, and sustainable materials.
Career Interest: I hope to have a career working as a sustainable packaging engineer.

Clarreese Greene

Undergraduate Institution: Northern Arizona University
Undergraduate Major: Civil Engineering, French
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the field of Civil Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering, and engineering research.
Career Interest: With my skills in technical writing, information management, and plethora of language and engineering skills, I aspire towards a career in International Development and Sustainability.

Iyana Grogan

Undergraduate Institution: The City College of New York
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in process scale up and optimization research.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical or consumer products industry.

Lizeth Hernandez

Undergraduate Institution: The University of Texas at Austin
Undergraduate Major: Architectural Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in improving occupant's comfort by using software to develop sustainable building renovation solutions.
Career Interest: I look forward to participate in a master's degree program relating to sustainable construction.

Courtney Hodgson

Undergraduate Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in the culmination of fluids and orbital mechanics.
Career Interest: My goal is to work as a researcher at NASA and eventually become a professor.

Cruz Ibarra Jr.

Undergraduate Institution: Valparaiso University
Undergraduate Major: Environmental Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Develop sustainable biological methods in wastewater treatment with a focus on microplastics removal.
Career Interest: A career path in laboratory research or E.P.A. environmental engineering.

César Lasalde-Ramírez

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests are in the fields of nanotechnology and renewable energy.
Career Interest: My career goal is to earn a Ph.D. and use it to make an impact in my field of study and my home, Puerto Rico.

Ryne Montoya

Undergraduate Institution: Northwestern University
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests involve the intersection of chemical engineering and materials science to create novel molecular technologies.
Career Interest: I am interested in becoming a career researcher in academia or industry where I can lead new research efforts.

Julia Park

Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University
Undergraduate Major: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2023
Research / Academic Interest: As of now, I'm interested in machine-learning techniques for temporal data, explainability, or natural language processing, but I'm broadly interested in researching any ML technique motivated by real-world applications.
Career Interest: I'm open to academia, industry, or any other path that would allow me to do research!

Maria Peregrina

Undergraduate Institution: University of Albany
Undergraduate Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am interest in the electrical and machine learning aspect of my major.
Career Interest: I am still trying to figure out my career interest, and I am hoping I can with the help of this program.

Marcos Pesante Colón

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024
Research / Academic Interest: Incorporating elements of modern control systems to design, implement, and test control laws.
Career Interest: Modern controls engineering focused on characterizing dynamic systems (specially robots) to design and implement robust and flexible control laws.

Mikayla Roach

Undergraduate Institution: Penn State
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: December 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I am interested in pursuing my PhD in biomedical engineering.
Career Interest: I am interested in becoming a professor.

Zachary Sadaghiani

Undergraduate Institution: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: Interested in space vehicle dynamics and controls.
Career Interest: Either working as GNC engineer at a major Aerospace company or a professor of engineering.

Yan Saltar

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Chemical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2023
Research / Academic Interest: After finishing undergraduate studies I would like to purse a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering
Career Interest: After the Ph.D. I have not yet determined if I would like to go into an academic career or pursue industry.

Maria Santaliz

Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Undergraduate Major: Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2024

Alex Santiago Vargas

Undergraduate Institution: Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: I’m interested in distributed energy, smart grids and phased array antennas.
Career Interest: I’m looking forward to work in research and development at the industry or academia.

Fernando Sarmiento

Undergraduate Institution: Arizona State University
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: Mechanical design
Career Interest: Mechanical design in consumer electronics

Jehan Shalabi

Undergraduate Institution: New Jersey Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: Design novel electronic and integrated circuit systems and efficient drone technology for various applications.
Career Interest: Work on space electronics as an astronaut researcher.

Daria Shkel

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Irvine
Undergraduate Major: Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation: June 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests are in microfabrication/MEMS technology with a biomedical application.
Career Interest: After graduate school, I see myself one day playing a leadership role in the research community, whether as a professor in academia or as a program manager/engineer at a government R&D lab.

James Swindell

Undergraduate Institution: Mississippi State University
Undergraduate Major: Aerospace Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include orbital mechanics and astrodynamics
Career Interest: My primary career interest is to work on the development of technology for space exploration.

Chloé Thiveaud

Undergraduate Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Major: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2022
Research / Academic Interest: My research interests include immunoengineering and the development of technologies to enhance early detection of diseases.
Career Interest: I hope to pursue a career in research and development in the biomedical industry.

Maureen Thomas

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation: April 2023
Research / Academic Interest: I am very interested in robotics and the medical devices
Career Interest: Within my career, I am still looking for a path