Mr. Bloor Redding Jr.
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel (Retired), Hewlett-Packard Company

"Two thoughts on my Purdue ECE education: First is the enduring quality of that education. Over the years I have come to realize that not all engineering educations are equal. My Purdue education served me well throughout my engineering and my legal careers. We, the alumni, faculty, and administration, need to continue to work together to keep it that way for today’s students. Second is the importance of an engineering or science education for our country and our world. We live in a complex world where engineers and scientists need to insist that sound science and critical reasoning be regularly employed to make better decisions everywhere from jury rooms to board rooms."
Bloor Redding (BSEE ’79) launched his career with Hewlett-Packard in 1979 as an R&D engineer and began shortly thereafter to attend the University of Denver College of Law in the evenings, earning his JD degree in 1984. Now retired and living in Vancouver, Washington, he is an educator and consultant. Prior to his retirement in 2007, Redding was a vice president and assistant general counsel for Hewlett-Packard. During his tenure with the company he educated employees and business managers throughout the world on various legal topics, advised management on the development of business plans, and managed a team of more than 30 attorneys and administrative assistants supporting a $20 billion printing business.
Through the years, he has gained extensive industry experience helping businesses with Intellectual Property strategy and execution. His broad business experience in law includes developing Intellectual Property management programs, managing patent prosecution and litigation, and negotiating and structuring licenses and business transactions.
Through the years, he has gained extensive industry experience helping businesses with Intellectual Property strategy and execution. His broad business experience in law includes developing Intellectual Property management programs, managing patent prosecution and litigation, and negotiating and structuring licenses and business transactions.