Social Media Tutorial: How to Crosspost Another Page's Video

In Engineering, we are all crossposting partners, meaning that when one department posts a video from their Page, that department can give you permission to also post it (rather than "share" it) on your department's Page. That boosts the views, which means Facebook will serve the video to even more people's feeds, which means even more views and engagement. This works especially well if we coordinate which day it will be posted to maximize audience interaction.

  1. How to crosspost another Page's video
  2. How to allow another Page to crosspost my Page's videos
  3. How to give permission to others to crosspost my videos
  4. How to edit a video to allow others to crosspost (Video)

You can only crosspost another Page's video if:

How to crosspost another Page's video:

  • Click Publishing Tools at the top of your Page
  • Click Videos You Can Crosspost in the left column
  • Click the video you want to crosspost
  • Click Create Post With This Video
  • Add details to your post, then click Publish

The Page that owns the video can see posts you've used the video in and their insights. If the Page removes your crossposting permissions, posts with the video may be unpublished or removed from your Page.

Keep in mind:

  • You can't crosspost videos that are currently live.
  • Captions that are added when a video is first uploaded will be carried over to any crossposts. Captions added through "Edit Video" will not appear in any crossposts.

How to allow another Page to crosspost my Page's videos:

Crossposting is a way to use videos across multiple Pages. You can establish a crossposting relationship with another Page and choose which videos the Page can crosspost.

To establish a crossposting relationship with another Page:

  • Click Settings at the top of your Page
  • Click Crossposting in the left column
  • Begin typing the Page's name or Facebook URL and select it from the list that appears

The Page must confirm the relationship by adding your Page to its crossposting settings. To help the Page confirm the relationship, click and send the confirmation link to an admin of the Page.

Once the relationship is established, you can allow the Page to crosspost videos you add to your Page:

  • Click Share a photo or video at the top of your Page's timeline
  • Click Upload Photos/Video and select a video from your computer
  • Click Crossposting, then click the toggle next to the Page's name
  • Finish adding details to your post, then click Publish

You'll be able to see insights for all posts the video has been used in. Pages that crosspost your video can only see insights for the video post on their Page.

How to give permission to others to crosspost my videos:

Crossposting is a way to use videos across multiple Pages. You can establish a crossposting relationship with another Page and choose which videos the Page can crosspost.

To establish a crossposting relationship with another Page:

  • Click Settings at the top of your Page
  • Click Crossposting in the left column
  • Begin typing the Page's name or Facebook URL and select it from the list that appears

Once the relationship is established, choose videos the Page can crosspost:

  • Click Publishing Tools at the top of your Page
  • Click Video Library in the left column
  • Hover over a video and click
  • Click Crossposting
  • Click the toggle next to Page's name
  • Click Save