Dr. Vitaliy Rayz

Areas of Research

Flow analysis augmenting magnetic resonance imaging data, patient-specific analysis of blood flow in brain aneurysms, imaging and modeling cerebrospinal fluid flow, numerical simulation of blood flow through vascular devices.


Developing methodology for enhancing MRI flow measurements in blood vessels and cerebral ventricles by using computational modeling and principles of underlying flow physics. Experimental MRI measurements in flow phantoms are used as benchmark data for developing and validating the approach.

The Cardiovascular Flow Modeling Laboratory (CFM Lab) directed by Dr. Rayz is conducting image-based analysis of blood flow dynamics in order to improve diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. The CFM lab works in close collaboration with neurovascular surgeons and radiologist in several medical schools and institutions. In this research, we use image-based flow analysis and patient-specific computational modeling to reduce error in MRI flow measurements, enabling the reliable determination of hemodynamic variables related to cerebrovascular disease progression. These models provide clinicians with valuable quantitative data not available from medical imaging alone.

Our studies focus on MRI-based flow analysis in brain aneurysms but also extend to modeling cerebrospinal fluid flow and optimizing biomedical devices, including a filtration device for removing chemotherapy drugs from blood. Our research projects are primarily funded by the National Institute of Health.

Recruitment Needs

We are looking for a highly motivated  student with background in medical imaging and/or flow modeling to join our lab in fall 2024.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Rayz directly.

Email: vrayz@purdue.edu

Website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CFML