Industry Partnerships

Innovative and vital research demands a dynamic and evolving program. It requires a straightforward and common sense approach to research, to transforming discoveries into products, to translating products to the marketplace, and, most of all, to the agreements that make partnerships work.

Building on the Purdue tradition and a proven track record of technical and commercial biomedical success, the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering breaks the mold of traditional academic partnerships through:

  • Fast-track arrangements that reduce start times from months to days
  • Integrated partnership models that adapt to suit your needs
  • Intellectual property agreements that provide a win-win scenario for all

The size of the company or the project doesn't matter; what is important is finding what is right for you, so as to leverage the best for everyone involved.

What Else Is Provided?


industry partnerships

For more than 40 years, biomedical engineers at Purdue have been producing breakthrough discoveries in such areas as implantable cardiovascular devices, replacement tissues, drug delivery systems, artificial joints, and non-invasive physiological monitoring systems. More than 100 patents have been issued based upon these groundbreaking discoveries and, more importantly, numerous products have advanced to the marketplace.

The faculty and staff of the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering provide a wealth of experience in a variety of research areas, with the depth and breadth of expertise growing every day. Twenty new faculty members have been added to the team to expand both research and education. This expansion also provides the perfect opportunity for new companies to build on our previous successes with existing partner companies and establish lifetime partnerships with the next generation of advanced researchers.


Our world-class home, the Martin C. Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering, is an innovative $25 million education and research facility that provides laboratories for the most demanding of measurements and protocols. In addition, Jischke Hall is strategically located for easy access to the Lynn Hall of Veterinary Medicine, the Birck Nanotechnology Center, the Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, the Bindley Bioscience Center, and the Hockmeyer Hall of Structural Biology to support interdisciplinary research and development.

Facilitation, however, is much more than just lab space and top-flight equipment. The resource that converts hardware into a thriving center for advancement is people. At Purdue, those people are the faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students. The students at Weldon are chosen from the best in the world, and that talent is not only available to help advance your research at the school, but in your company as interns and, ultimately, as the employees who will drive your company forward.

Dedication of Our Team

The dedication of the Weldon School's research team can be measured in many ways. It can be seen in the multitude of patents and products helping to improve the health and lives of millions around the world. It can be seen in the long-term and productive partnerships with major medical device and biotechnology companies. Isn't it time to start your own long-term partnership with a proven and growing team?


We are seeking corporate partners for our internship program, and we are committed to working closely with corporate partners to meet their needs. Learn more about the benefits of partnering with us to provide internships to our students on our Internship Program page.

Senior Design

We are seeking partners and mentors for our senior design students. Learn more about the course, opportunities for collaboration, and the diversity of recent projects on our Senior Design page.

For More Information Contact:

Brian Knoy
Senior Director of Development

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
206 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2032
Main: (765) 494-6241
Cell: (765) 714-5132