Fall 2023 – ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods In Electrical And Computer Engineering – Homework and Exercises


HW1: (pdf) (solution) due 8/30/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm.  Please submit your HW via Gradescope. (HW1Q6 demo)

HW2: (pdf) (solution) due 9/06/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm. (HW2Q16 demo)

HW3: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise. There is no need to submit this homework. (HW3Q26 demo, Q29, Q33, Q37 demo)
Q25 demo can be found in p. 27 of the lecture notes.
Q36 demo can be found in p. 39 of the lecture notes.

HW4: (pdf) (solution) due 9/20/20239/27/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm. (Q41, Q47 demo)
Q38 demo can be found in p. 45 of the lecture notes.
Q39 demo can be found in p. 46 of the lecture notes.

HW5: (pdf) (solution) due 10/04/2023 Wednesday 10/08/2023 Sunday 11:59pm. (Q49, Q51 demo, Q60 demo is in p. 69 of the lecture notes, Q56, Q58, Q61 demo)


HW6: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise.

HW7: (pdf) (solution) due 10/25/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm. (Q82, Q83 demo)


The single-photon-detector project. Due 11/03/2023 Friday 11:59pm. Please view the project as another HW with 25 questions.  Namely, the score of the project is roughly equal to that of two HWs. The score of the project will be counted toward your HW grades.  (Project solution)


HW8: (pdf) (solution) due 11/08/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm. (Q85 demo)

HW9: (pdf) (solution) due 11/15/2023 Wednesday 11:59pm. (Q98 demo)

(HW9 is an honor system.  That is, you still need to turn in your HW9 even though the solution has already been posted.)

HW10: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise. No need to turn in HW10.

HW11: (pdf) (solution) due 12/2/2023 Saturday 11:59pm.

HW12: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise. No need to turn in HW12.

HW13: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise. No need to turn in HW13.