Martha L. Sabogal De La Pava
Industrial Engineering, Clemson University

Martha L. Sabogal De La Pava earned her bachelor's degree (2017) and master's degree (2019) in industrial engineering (IE) from Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Currently, she is a PhD Candidate in IE at Clemson University, where she is proposing new stochastic optimization models to study emerging disruption risks to global supply chains. She mainly focuses on the pharmaceutical industry, analyzing the impacts of export ban risks, natural disasters, and facility quality issues on global drug shortages, supply chain design, and performance. Her research interest is the development of operations research models and solution methods to address supply chain problems in resilience, product access, and sustainability. Future areas of exploration include drug shortages and pharmaceutical supply chains in low-middle-income countries, as well as trade-offs among sustainability components in pharmaceutical supply chains. She serves as treasurer of Clemson's INFORMS student chapter and has participated in outreach panels about postgraduate studies— one being organized by the Minority Issues Forum of INFORMS. She is a founding member of Clemson's IE Graduate Student Advisory Board. She has volunteered at South Carolina elementary schools STEM fairs, where she conducts activities in English and Spanish to accommodate students' native tongue. As a Latin woman in STEM, she recognizes her potential to influence, motivate, and inspire other Latin people to pursue engineering degrees. In her teaching, Sabogal De La Pava will include writing methodologies to foster learning and critical thinking.
Research Interests
Pharmaceutical supply chains and drug shortages