Surabhi Bhadauria

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, Purdue University

Surabhi Bhadauria

Surabhi Bhadauria received her bachelor’s degree in materials and metallurgical engineering in 2016 from Punjab Engineering College, India. Through Purdue University’s School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, she earned her master’s degree in 2020 and currently is a PhD student working on the design of sensor networks for the detection of space debris in the cislunar region. For her PhD, she is exploring the astrodynamics and space situational awareness, with a particular focus on the new field of Cislunar Space Domain Awareness. She aims to enhance surveillance capabilities and collision avoidance strategies in cislunar space, ultimately fostering safe exploration and utilization of this region, and expand her understanding of space traffic management by leveraging machine learning and data fusion techniques. Through the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute’s Super Saturday program, she designed and taught a course that combined STEM fields with art, and she has coordinated events and projects for the Purdue chapter of Asha for Education, which promotes literacy among underprivileged children in India. As a future faculty member, Bhadauria will strive to create a student-centered environment that celebrates diversity and encourages individual voices to be heard. She will empower students to actively participate in their learning journey, collaborate with their peers, and take ownership of their education.

Research Interests

Cislunar Space Surveillance