Roger Tormoehlen

Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Campus: West Lafayette
Office: ABE 2041 Q
Phone: (765) 494-8424

Unit and Group Affiliations


Roger Tormoehlen is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Dr. Tormoehlen received his B.S. and M.S in Agricultural Education from Purdue University and his Ph.D in Agricultural Health and Safety from Purdue University. Dr. Tormoehlen provides leadership to the engineering-related projects in the Indiana 4-H program. Specific subject matter areas include: aerospace, bicycle, computers, electricity and electronics, lawn and garden tractors and equipment, agricultural tractors and equipment and woodworking. In addition to the engineering areas, Dr. Tormoehlen provides guidance to the 4-H Perfect Fit program, an effort to involve youth with a disability.

Dr. Tormoehlen's current research interest is in the use of computer-aided instruction/multimedia programs as an educational tool in non-formal educational settings such as 4-H. Several multimedia programs, including ones on tractor and equipment safety ATV safety, electrical wiring and disaster education have been developed.

Dr. Tormoehlen received the National Safety Council's Award of Honor in 1991, the Professional Skills Award from the Agricultural Communicators in Education in 1992, six Blue Ribbon Awards from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (1983, 1993, 1995,1996, 1997, and 1998), First Place in the National Safety Council's Safety Research Project in 1993, and the National Safety Council’s Distinguished Service to Safety Award in 2002.

Publication reprints available upon request or via Google Scholar.