Zina Ben-Miled


Campus: Indianapolis
Office: SL 164 723 W Michigan St Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (317) 278-3317
Email: zina@purdue.edu
Homepage: https://d2kdl.livlab.org/

Unit and Group Affiliations



  • Ph.D. Computer Engineering, Purdue University, 1997
  • M.S. Computer Engineering, Purdue University, 1990
  • B.S. Computer Engineering, Oregon State University, 1988

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor – Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, IUPUI, 8/2015 - 10/2018
  • Associate Professor – Computer Engineering Department, Mediterranean Institute of Technology (MedTech), 8/2014 - 6/2015
  • Consultant, ERP, Data Architecture, Information systems in banking and utility sectors, 9/2004 - 6/2014
  • Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis., 6/2003 - 5/2004
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis., 9/1997 - 5/2003

Awards & Honors

  • Datamining and Parallel Processing/ Efficient Bio-informatics and Chem-Informatics Tools, Eli Lilly and Company; (PI), 4/2003
  • High Performance Computing/ High Performance Bio-Informatics Tools, Eli Lilly and Company; (PI), 4/2002
  • NSF Career Award, 1/2002
  • Abraham Max Outstanding Research Award, 4/2001
  • Indiana Women in High Tech, 4/2001
  • IEEE, Senior Member, 4/2001
  • Database Integration for autonomous databases/ Integrated Biological and Chemical Information Systems, 21st Century Research and Technology Fund; (PI), 4/2001
  • Computational Intelligent Agent for Decision Support, Office of Naval Research; (Co-PI), 4/2001
  • Database Integration/ BACIIS: Biological and Chemical Information Integrated System, NSF; (PI), 4/2001
  • Performance Enhancement of Computational Tools/ A Flexible Tool for Sequence Matching, Eli Lilly and Company; (PI), 4/2000
  • Configuration Management System; Raytheon; (PI) , 4/2000
  • Database Development and Process enhancement/ Evaluation of the Re-compute Model versus Restore Model in a Pharmaceutical Compound Database, Eli Lilly and Company; (PI), 4/2000
  • Violet Haas Outstanding Academic Women Award, 4/1996

Selected Publications

  • Shah, S., Ben Miled, Z., R. Shafer and S. Berube, "Differential Learning for Outliers: A Case Study of Water Demand Prediction," Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2018., 10/2018
  • Li, Z., Wu, H., King, B., Ben-Miled, Z., Wassick, J., and Tazelaar, J., "A Hybrid Blockchain Ledger for Supply Chain Visibility," 17th IEEE International Symposium On Parallel and Distributed Computing, June 2018., 6/2018
  • Shah, S., Hosseini, M., Ben Miled, Z., Shafer, R. and Berube, S. "A water demand prediction model for Central Indiana," Thirtieth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Feb. 2018., 2/2018
  • Wu, H., Li, Z., King, B., Ben Miled, Z., Wassick, J. and Tazelaar, J., "A Distributed Ledger for Supply Chain Physical Distribution Visibility," Information, MDPI 2017., 11/2017
  • Song, S. and Ben Miled, Z., "Digital Immunization Surveillance: Monitoring Flu Vaccination Rates Using Online Social Networks," REU, IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Oct. 2017., 10/2017
  • Li, Z., Wu, H., King, B., Ben-Miled, Z., Wassick, J., and Tazelaar, J., "On the integration of event-based and transaction-based architectures for supply chains," ICDCS-PED, June 2017., 6/2017
  • Gopinath, A., Ytterdal, T., Ben Miled, Z., Meagher, R., and Rizkalla, M., "Leakage Current and Static Power analysis of TFET 8T-SRAM Cells," NanoFIS, 2017. , 6/2017
  • Fang, A., Ben Miled, Z., "Does Bad News Spread Faster?" The National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications Workshop, January 2017., 1/2017
  • French, M. and Ben Miled, Z., "Towards A Reasoning Framework for Digital Clones Using the Digital Thread," AIAA SciTech, January 2017., 1/2017
  • Schleyer, T., King, Z., and Ben-Miled, Z., "A Novel Conceptual Architecture for Person-Centered Health Records," AMIA 2016 Annual Symposium, 7/2016
  • Shayesteh, S., Rizkalla, M., Christopher, L., and Ben-Miled, Z., "Attached Learning Model for First Digital System Design Course in ECE Program", ASEE, 6/2016
  • Ben Miled, Z., Li, N., Mahoui, M. and Bukhres, O., "Complex Life Science Multidatabase Queries," Genomics and Proteomics Engineering, Wiley and IEEE Press, 4/2006
  • Ben Miled, Z., Li, N., Mahoui, M. and Bukhres, O., "Information Retrieval," Wiley Encyclopedia for Biomedical Engineering, 4/2006
  • Ben Miled, Z., Liu, Y., Li, N. and Bukhres, O., "Distributed databases," Wiley Encyclopedia for Biomedical Engineering, 4/2006
  • Ben Miled, Z., Bisen, A., Li, N. and Bukhres, O., "Distributed Computing," Wiley Encyclopedia for Biomedical Engineering, 4/2006
  • en Miled, Z., Li, N., and Bukhres, O., "BACIIS: Biological and Chemical Information Integration Systems," Journal of Database Management, Vol 16 No 3., 4/2005
  • Mahoui, M., Lu, L., Gao, N., Li, N., Chen, J., Bukhres, O., Ben Miled, Z., "A Dynamic Workflow Approach for the Integration of Bioinformatics Services", Cluster Computing Journal, Vol 8, No 4, 4/2005
  • Xiao, X., Dow, E., Eberhart, R., Ben Miled, Z., Oppelt, R., "A hybrid Self-Organizing Maps and Particle Swarm Optimization Approach," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol 16, Issue 9, 4/2004
  • Ben Miled, Z., Webster, Y., Li, N., Liu, Y., "An Ontology for the Semantic Integration of Life Science Web Databases," International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, 6/2003
  • Ben Miled, Z., Liu, J., Bukhres, O., Martin, J., Balagopalakrishna, C., Oppelt, R.J., "Creating Histogram for Large Scientific databases: A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Data Repository," Intelligent Information Systems, 4/2003
  • Ben Miled, Z., Li, H., Bukhres, O., Bem, M., Jones, R., and Oppelt, R., "Data Compression in Large Scientific Databases," Informatica, Vol 27, 4/2003
  • Ben Miled, Li, N., Baumgartner, M., Liu, Y., "A Decentralized Approach to the Integration of Life Science Web Databases," Informatica, Vol 27, No.1, 4/2003
  • Ben Miled, Z., Li, N., Kellett, G., Sipes, B., Bukhres. O., "Complex Life Science Multidatabase Queries," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 90, No. 11, 12/2002
  • Ben Miled, Z., Liu, Y., Powers, D., Bukhres, O., Bem, M., Jones, R. and Oppelt, R., "An Efficient Implementation of a Drug Candidate Database" Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 11/2002
  • Ben Miled, Z., Wang, Y., Li, N., Bukhres, O., Martin, J., Nayar, A. and Oppelt, R., "BAO, A Biological and Chemical Ontology for Information Integration" On Line Journal of Bioinformatics, Vol.1, pages 60-73, 2/2002
  • Ben Miled, Z., Fortes, J.A.B., Eigenmann, R., and Taylor, V., "On the Cost-Efficiency of Hierarchical Heterogeneous Machines for Compiler and Hand Parallelized Applications," International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 193—203, 4/1998
  • Ben Miled, Z., Tiemann, J.J., Helbig, W.A. and Fortes, J.A.B., "On the Design of Inphase and Quadrature Filters for Delay Compensation," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 2501--2503, 9/1994


Enterprise-wide information systems, distributed computing, Service oriented architecture, data models and interoperability.


Data analytics and knowledge discovery, data models and computational frameworks, enterprise-wide software systems, time critical applications, distributed storage & processing, database integration, and large scale service-oriented software architectures.