S. Selcen Guzey

Assistant Professor of Science Education, Departments. of Curriculum and Instruction and of Biological Sciences; Courtesy Faculty of Engineering Education

Campus: West Lafayette
Office: BRNG
Email: sguzey@purdue.edu

Unit and Group Affiliations


Dr. Guzey is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction and Dept. of Biological Sciences. She is a courtesy faculty of Engineering Education. She received her PhD. in Science Education from the University of Minnesota in 2010. Prior to coming to Purdue, Dr. Guzey worked as a Research Associate at the U of MN’s STEM Education Center. Dr. Guzey’s main research interest is integrated STEM education and it focuses on three areas: development of integrated STEM curricular materials, teachers’ use of integrated STEM approaches, and influences of integrated STEM approaches on student learning and interest.