Xinghang Zhang

Xinghang Zhang

Professor of Materials Engineering

Dr. Zhang received his BS (1995) from Jilin University, China and MS (1998) from the Institute of Metal Research, China both in Materials Science & Engineering. He received his PhD in 2001 from North Carolina State and was a director-funded post-doc fellow at Los Alamos National Lab until joining Texas A & M University in 2005.

Prior to coming to Purdue Dr. Zhang was an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A & M University.

Dr. Zhang's research interests are in nanostructured metallic systems (thin films and bulk); radiation damage in nanostructured metallic materials; nanotwinned metals, and hydrogen storage in nanostructured metals. He couples materials processing with characterization and nanomechanical testing on a wide range of nanostructured metals in both ambient and harsh environments.