Dr. Hong Wan
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering
Dr. Hong Wan has accepted our offer to join Purdue as an assistant professor in the School of Industrial Engineering. She got her B.S from Peking University, and her M.S and PhD from Northwestern University. Her research is in the area of simulation, experimental design, and applied statistics. Her dissertation topic is efficient screening strategies for discrete-event simulations that have a large number of controllable factors (decision variables). At the 2003 INFORMS conference, her paper and presentation won the best student paper competition sponsored by the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Section of INFORMS. In addition to her dissertation work, she has participated in sponsored research on industrial product design and quality control, and on software for strategic management of demand-responsive transportation systems. Her research interests include experimental design and quality control; simulation of manufacturing, transportation and financial systems; simulation input analysis; and applied statistics. She has taught a variety of courses and is a member of the INFORMS.