Dr. Klein Ileleji
Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Dr. Klein E. Ileleji joined the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University as an Assistant Professor in August 2004. He earned a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria; an M.P.S. in Applied Economics and Business Management at the Institute of Economic Studies at Nitra, Slovakia; and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering at the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia.
Before becoming an Assistant Professor, he was a Post-doctoral Research Associate in Agricultural & Biological Engineering managing research for the grain quality team. He studied post-harvest engineering, was involved with six research projects, co-wrote three research grant proposals, and co-advised undergraduate and graduate students. He is also a member of CIGR — International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Grain Elevator and Processing Society, and a nine-year member of ASAE.
Professor Ileleji will teach ABE 460, Sensors and Process Controls, and plans to establish a graduate-level course in biomass production and handling. His research will focus on the production of energy crops, new technology development, biomass characterization, and production, densification and post-harvest technologies for biomass utilization.