October 20, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Junfei Li

Junfei Li
Dr. Junfei Li

Hometown: Wuhan, China 

What inspired you to get into engineering?

I am interested in learning how things work in general. When I was a child, I was amazed by the voices from a radio. I also like the hands-on experience of building things up. 

What are your research interests?

Radar, microwave imaging, remote labs, and engineering education. 

What drew you to Purdue ECE?

Purdue ECE has one of the best ECE programs in the world with so many opportunities. I like to work with the great colleagues and students here. 

What classes do you teach?

During my first semester of Fall 2022, I am involved with three courses of ECE 270 Digital Design (Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu), ECE 377 ASIC Design Lab (Dr. Mark Johnson), and ECE 695 Ideas to Innovation I (Prof. David Janes and Prof. Tillmann Kubis). 

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like outdoor activities. I enjoy hiking and fishing. 

Anything else you'd like the Purdue community to know about you?

I moved from Texas after I worked there for 20 years. I am very honored to be part of this great community. I look forward to meeting more faculty, students, and staff on campus.
