September 6, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Haitong Li

Haitong Li
Haitong Li


Xi'an, China 

What inspired you to get into engineering?

I grew up witnessing how innovations in technologies shaped our lives and society. Engineering has been at the core of such transformation, and I wanted to be part of it. 

What are your research interests?

My research interests are in new memory device technologies and circuit designs for energy-efficient computing, spanning experimental, design, and system integration aspects for creating nanotechnology-inspired hardware chips for broad applications. 

What drew you to Purdue ECE?

Microelectronics is the heart of our economy in the 21st century. Purdue ECE is a world leader in this field, and a unique place to make tangible impact with forward-looking research as well as education of next-generation innovators.  

What do you like to do in your free time?

Traveling, movies, gaming, and exploring new stuff with my wife. 
