May 20, 2021

Prof. Milind Kulkarni selected as Purdue Insights Forum Program Fellow

Milind Kulkarni, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and Associate Head of Teaching and Learning for Purdue ECE, has been selected as a fellow of the 2021-22 Purdue Insights Forum Program.
Milind Kulkarni
Milind Kulkarni, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Milind Kulkarni, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and Associate Head of Teaching and Learning for Purdue ECE, has been selected as a fellow of the 2021-22 Purdue Insights Forum Program.

The Purdue Insights Forum is designed to explore the fundamentals of leadership though a series of presentations, discussions and peer group interactions. The program covers a wide range of subject areas including leadership styles, developing a vision, navigating differing priorities, mentoring, developing an inclusive environment, and managing resources. Administrators, faculty and staff from across campus provide content, and each participant is asked to choose a senior mentor to help develop personal goals and objectives.

Bimonthly sessions address the “nuts and bolts” of leadership including diversity and inclusion, transparency, building consensus, recognition and appreciation, and mentoring faculty and staff. Each participant is paired with an experienced administrator at Purdue who matches his/her career goals. Participants and mentors meet 4 times per year to discuss the participant’s goals and personal progress toward the program outcomes. Program outcomes are monitored via group discussion and discrete take-home projects focused on implementing the skills discussed in sessions. This program is intended to increase the pool of potential leaders at Purdue and expand our capacity for leadership development beyond the Big 10 Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Programs.

Participants in the Purdue Insight Forum are recommended by their deans. The Insights program was established in 2016 based on feedback from the 2015 COACHE faculty job satisfaction survey.
