
June 30, 2020

How have people responded to COVID-19 restrictions around the world?

Public camera footage of how people have responded so far to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines in spaces such as tourist spots and busy street corners could help inform new policies as the pandemic progresses. But that footage is scattered all over the internet. Purdue University engineers built a website that pools together live footage and images from approximately 30,000 network cameras in more than 100 countries, making data easier to analyze.
June 23, 2020

Prof. Dana Weinstein selected for NAE symposium

Dana Weinstein, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, is among 85 of the nation’s brightest early-career engineers selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 26th annual US Frontiers of Engineering (USFOE) symposium.
June 23, 2020

Senior Design Spotlight: Team Acoustic Gorillas

Despite the Purdue University campus shutting down in mid-March due to COVID-19, ECE senior design teams were still able to complete some impressive projects remotely. That includes Team Acoustic Gorillas, which consisted of students Ayhan Okcal, Jackson Davis, Jeyhun Nasibov, and Nicholas Doerry. The team worked together on a project called “Turn it up!”
June 19, 2020

A more personalized approach to improving customer experiences

Computer visual algorithms shown to improve demographic information could bring a “personalized” experience to shopping, traveling and other consumer activities. The advancements come as more retailers, airlines and other businesses are collecting data about customers to better meet their needs.
June 18, 2020

Senior Design Spotlight: Team NES 2.0

An important part of senior year for Purdue ECE students is senior design. Teams incorporate all of their previous coursework to take on a challenging engineering project. Students decide on a project and then design and test a system, component, or process to meet the goals they have set. And despite having to work remotely for several weeks after campus was closed due to COVID-19, students still managed to complete impressive projects.
June 15, 2020

Democratizing learning and research in nanotechnology

In the early 2000s, areas of computational science such as computational chemistry or computational material science already had well-established software packages. However, everyday experimentalists couldn’t use them to guide or explain their experiments, nor could educators use them easily to teach the underlying concepts.
June 10, 2020

Training one deep neural network for all noise levels

When training a deep neural network for image processing tasks such as image denoising, it has long been observed that the network can only perform well at the noise level where it is trained for. Purdue researchers recently developed a new theoretical framework which allows the network to handle a wide range noise levels where the performance is guaranteed to have a uniform gap from their individual best.
June 8, 2020

ECE-affiliated startup wins Burton D. Morgan Business Model Competition

Five Purdue University student startups earned a total of $75,000 in cash prizes and another $30,000 in in-kind donations during the 33rd annual Burton D. Morgan Business Model Competition. First-place winner Glimpse includes Computer Engineering students Akash Raju and Kushal Negi.
June 4, 2020

Discovery unlocks ‘hot’ electrons for more efficient energy use

Highly energetic, “hot” electrons have the potential to help solar panels more efficiently harvest light energy. But scientists haven’t been able to measure the energies of those electrons, limiting their use. Researchers at Purdue University and the University of Michigan built a way to analyze those energies.
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