January 28, 2019

Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu has two students recognized by CRA

Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu had two students recognized by the Computing Research Association (CRA). ECE student Caleb Tung and CS student Ling Zhang received honorable mentions for the 2019 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award.
Ling Zhang and Caleb Tung
Ling Zhang, senior in Computer Science, and Caleb Tung, senior in ECE (photo: Emily Kinsell/Purdue CS)

Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu had two students recognized by the Computing Research Association (CRA). ECE student Caleb Tung and CS student Ling Zhang received honorable mentions for the 2019 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award, which recognizes undergraduate students in North American universities who show outstanding potential in an area of computing research.

Tung and Zhang both work with Prof. Lu in the “Continuous Analysis of Many Cameras” (CAM2) research group. The team is doing extensive research on computer vision using Internet-connected public cameras.  Tung says his sub-team is researching and trying to quantify detection consistency problems with existing object detection solutions, so that we can find ways to improve the detectors.

“The possible applications of consistent object detection are endless,” he says. “We’re most excited about using traffic cameras to detect car accidents and automatically send ambulances.”

Tung says as an undergraduate researcher developing his research skills and trying to positively impact the world, receiving the honorable mention lets him know he is on the right track. In addition to this award, Tung’s paper, “Large-Scale Image Detection on Network Cameras in Variable Ambient Lighting,” has been accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, which takes place March 28-30, 2019 in San Jose, CA.

Zhang’s area of research focuses on building systems of data from publicly-available network cameras and serving the information in a user-friendly manner. She is also working on methods that enable a web crawler to detect webpages that have public network camera feeds.

“Receiving this honorable mention is a recognition of my research efforts from academia,” says Zhang. “It strengthens my confidence in continuing in graduate research in the future.” 

Zhang was nominated for the award by Prof. Susanne Hambrusch, Interim Department Head of Computer Science. Prof. Pedro Irazoqui, Interim Department Head of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, nominated Tung.
