July 29, 2019

Alumni Spotlight - Anna Kristie

Anna Kristie graduated with her BSEE in 2013. She currently works as a Software Engineer at Ball Aerospace.
Anna Kristie
1. Why did you choose to study electrical and computer engineering?
I chose ECE because I wanted to involved in developing the technology we use on a daily basis.
2. Favorite Purdue ECE class or experience:
My favorite experience was being an undergraduate Teaching Assistant for ECE 270 Intro to Digital Design. Teaching the labs helped reinforce concepts for me when I had to explain them to students that had never encounter the concept before. Being able help someone learn a difficult a concept made me  realize how far I had come in my learning and was helpful mindset when I was struggling in my current classes. I also was able to work with some wonderful individuals that would help shape me into who I am today.
3. What organizations or activities were you involved in at Purdue? What did you gain from that involvement?
  • Undergraduate TA for First Year Engineering classes and ECE 270 Intro to Digital Design 
  • ECE Student Society Secretary
  • Purdue Catholic Students 
I gained a community of friends and colleagues that shared similar interests that helped me through my Purdue journey.
4. What are you doing currently?
Software Engineer at Ball Aerospace working on software for the government sensor data analysis 
5. What are your ultimate career goals?
I want to be able continue to keep learning to wherever that may lead me and be able to become a technology leader of project, company, or organization.
6. How is your Purdue degree helping you achieve your goals?
When people see that you have an engineering degree from Purdue they know that you have the ability to produce high quality solutions. It has opened up many job opportunities by just having that on my resume. However, more importantly, my Purdue degree has given me the skills to push through adversity and to be adaptable. Having being put on projects where I knew nothing about the languages or system process I have been able to handle the steep learning curves and within a couple of weeks been able to develop and debug issues on the projects. 
7. What advice do you have for current ECE students?
Never give up. Ask for help and when you can be that help. There will always be someone who is smarter than you but that does not make your path any less valuable.
8. What do you do in your free time?

I am a member of Lady Gnar Shredders Cycling Team so most days I am training for races or enjoying the outdoors with friends and riding one of my bikes. I also sing in my parish’s 6pm mass and help out with church events.
