US News & World Report announces 2020 undergrad program rankings
The US News & World Report has released its national rankings of undergraduate programs, Best Colleges 2020. Purdue’s College of Engineering ranked 9th nationally among doctoral-granting universities. Purdue Engineering undergraduate programs consistently rank high among their national peers. Undergraduate program rankings are based on ratings by deans and senior faculty in those disciplines at peer institutions. Based on these responses, Purdue EE is ranked #9, compared to #10 last year, while CmpE held steady at #10. Below is the complete list of rankings for Purdue's College of Engineering and all of its schools.
Undergraduate Program National Rankings
(2020, published in September 2019)
Overall, tied with Cornell
Overall, tied with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Note: The Nuclear undergraduate discipline is not ranked by USNWR, but is part of their graduate rankings.