McCoy Distinguished Lecture features Professor Andrew Weiner
Andrew Weiner, the Scifres Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, presented the annual McCoy Distinguished Lecture at 3:30 p.m. Monday (Nov. 18) as part of his selection as winner of the 2013 Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Purdue's most prestigious research honor in the natural sciences.
The title of Weiner's talk is "Ultrashort Optical Pulse Generation with Arbitrary Waveforms." The lecture, free and open to the public, will be in Stewart Center, Fowler Hall. A reception will follow the lecture in the Robert L. Ringel Gallery in Stewart Center.
The McCoy Award was established in 1964 through a bequest from Ethel Terry McCoy in memory of her husband, who was an alumnus in the College of Science. It is given to the student or faculty member at Purdue who has made the greatest contribution of the year to science, based on nomination by colleagues and selection by faculty representatives and the University's president.