Study Abroad in Biomedical Engineering

The Weldon School highlights study abroad programs that enable students to have a global and cultural experience in engineering without interrupting their plan of study. We have strong relationships with our partner universities to ensure that the rigor of the engineering coursework enables students from both sides to benefit from the cultural exchange and still graduate on time.


Long-Term Engineering Abroad Program (LEAP, aka Semester Exchange)

We highlight the following semester-long study abroad programs at the following universities:

University of Sydney (USYD) in Sydney, Australia

Denmark Technical University (DTU) in Copenhagen, Denmark

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) in Quito, Ecuador

University of Galway in Galway, Ireland

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in Madrid, Spain

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland

There are many other opportunities for general study abroad programs at Purdue, but they may extend the time to graduation for Weldon School students. This includes GEARE opportunities. Meet with your primary academic advisor before you apply to predict any setbacks that may not be clear to study abroad advisors and program leaders.

For more information regarding LEAP, please visit the LEAP website.

Short Term Engineering Program (STEP) Abroad

We highlight the following short-term study abroad programs:


Ireland-Medical Device Development and Manufacturing Tour


Japan - Regulatory and Clinical Science for Global Health in Japan

Netherlands - Exploring Healthcare Innovations in the Netherlands (VIDEO)

Scandinavia - Biomedical Modeling for Global Health in Scandinavia

France- Medical Image Enhancement, Visualization, and Analysis- Medieval France

South Korea - Gaining Global Perspective in Korea from Biotech to KPOP!

For more information regarding STEP abroad, please visit the STEP website.

What Our Students Say

"Ireland is amazing, traveling is amazing! Everyone should travel even if it's just for a week. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world. Studying abroad has had a huge impact on my life and is something my college experience would not have been complete without. I think experiencing new cultures and trying different things help individuals to grow as people and discover more about themselves. Having this study abroad experience was important to me because it forced me to leave my comfort zone and have these amazing experiences!" Amy Bogucki, pictured here at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, studied abroad at NUIG.

How to Apply

  1. Please check the study abroad website for programs you want to apply for.
  2. Reach out to the Program Leader with any direct questions about the program. Their contact information will be on the website underneath the Program Details section.
  3. Contact your primary academic advisor to discuss your plan of study and to make sure that you approve of any changes, if any need to be made, as a result of studying abroad. This is critical!
  4. Apply to the study abroad office (click here to learn how to apply).
  5. You will be asked for a recommendation. Please put the BME study abroad liaison, Darcy Allen, as your first recommendation. Then put a second recommendation that can better speak to your character, work ethic, and experience. This second recommendation is optional, but it may be a faculty member, PI, academic advisor, etc.
  6. You are done! You will be informed of whether the study abroad office has approved or denied your application in a timely manner.

There are application deadlines for Purdue Study Abroad. Search for the program you are interested in for up-to-date deadlines.

Financial Resources

The study abroad programs are administered through the Purdue Study Abroad Office. Information about financial aid, study abroad scholarships, and other funding sources for overseas study is available at Study Abroad Financial Resources.

Do I have any other study abroad options?

Yes you do!  Across campus there are experiences of all kinds, from a variety of programs that span from a week to a full year abroad.  Check out these options:

Summer Undergraduate Research in Global Engineering (SURGE): While abroad, it is possible to get international work experience at a research lab during the summer adjacent to your study abroad semester. This can be a great way to build and strengthen your resume or CV, and build relationships that can better impact your future career. The skills you will learn can also give you unique experience with international cultures, environments, and processes. Check out the complete list of SURGEs offered through Global Engineering Programs, linked above.

Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE): Are you someone who wants to study abroad and get international work experience? The GEARE program allows you to do both! It will develop you into a well-rounded student with skills that transfer around the globe. Language study, learning abroad, cultural training, both domestic and international work experience, and an opportunity to work on a robust design project that will offer you not only wonderful experience, but will look great on your resume or CV. Students who complete this program will also receive a Global Engineering Studies Minor while growing your intercultural competency, which will help you become a stronger leader. Click the link above to learn more about GEARE. We also have a BME plan of study exclusively for GEARE students that may help with your decision making.

Frequently Asked Questions & Common Myths

A: Purdue's LEAP programs don’t have foreign language requirements -- all core engineering and many non-technical courses are offered in English.

A: If a BME student is participating in a LEAP program, and the school associated with the program has courses that can be used toward your BME plan of study, it is absolutely possible to graduate in four years. This would need to be discussed with the BME study abroad liaison beforehand.

A: Most LEAP programs are “cost neutral,” which means that the living expenses for studying abroad in Ecuador or Australia, for example, should be comparable or cheaper than living in West Lafayette, Indiana (Europe tends to be moderately more expensive). Additionally, students can reduce their costs further by taking advantage of the Purdue Moves scholarship and other scholarship opportunities (e.g. Gilman). Learn more about these scholarships and see if they can help you!

A: It is true that some programs – a lot of European schools fall into this category – have different start and end dates that do not align with Purdue’s calendar exactly. However, we have a great track record working with students and helping them find options to make their schedules work to accommodate study abroad, internships, etc. In past cases, many students have been able to return home in time to participate in summer internships or take Purdue summer courses. This would need to be discussed with the BME study abroad liaison beforehand.

A: Due to our limited study abroad opportunities, it may seem this way. However, BME study abroad is growing each semester, and we are continually working on creating more and more opportunities to help our students grow abroad. Currently, according to the US national average, 5% of engineering undergraduates study abroad. Here in BME at Purdue, when you account for both LEAP and STEP opportunities, we have many students who are able to take full advantage of the opportunities we offer.

A: Employers want young talents who have global experience and work effectively across cultures. They want graduates who have those transferrable skills that one can learn while abroad. It is a common talking point for study abroad students that their experience makes them stand out during interviews, at Purdue Industrial Roundtable (IR) or at the spring Expo, for example. These experiences are marketable, and this has been proven in engineering at large on Purdue’s campus. Studying abroad can boost your early career.

A: LEAP programs value the cohort experience. This is a key feature. Our hope is that you will have another boilermaker along for the ride with you, but remember that you will also come home with more friends, and you can develop lifelong relationships with those you meet.

A: Here in BME, we firmly believe that students who maintain good academic standing with the university can effectively pursue study abroad opportunities. To ensure a successful experience, we provide resources and support on campus to help you prepare for this enriching endeavor. Many of our students have already achieved remarkable success while studying abroad, and we are confident that you can too. To explore additional funding opportunities and gain valuable insights, we encourage you to check out the Purdue Global Partnerships & Programs and the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR). Within their comprehensive resources, you will discover a wealth of information under the "Learning" column on the left-hand side, enabling you to explore the diverse range of options available to you.

A: Yes, absolutely. We are always working to make GEARE and BME more compatible with one another, however, most study abroad opportunities through GEARE will likely postpone your graduation by a semester. We have a BME plan of study exclusively for GEARE students so that you may plan accordingly. Be sure to speak with your primary academic advisor to discuss how study abroad might affect your personal plan of study.

A: Yes, but it depends on the program. We have some schools that we work very well with, and our curriculums and semesters align rather well. Other schools may not have what you need to progress in Purdue’s BME school. The five LEAP programs and the many STEP opportunities we endorse will get you through our program in four years. Other schools would need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

A: Great! We love building new relationships with schools abroad. You would want to talk with the BME study abroad liaison to see how we can move forward together, and what the long-term effects this opportunity would have on your progress, if any. The liaison could then reach out to the necessary parties that would need to be involved and could help you begin the process for getting your unique experience approved.