Three new faculty members join the Weldon School

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Hugh Lee, Jackie Linnes, and Ramses Martinez, all assistant professors of biomedical engineering, joined the Weldon School in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Hyowon (Hugh) Lee received his B.A. in neuroscience from Colorado College in 2004 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biomedical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. Before joining Purdue, he worked as a senior engineer for St. Jude Medical’s Implantable Electronics Systems Division where he focused on using advanced fabrication technologies to overcome manufacturing challenges associated with implantable electronic devices such as pacemakers, ICDs, DBS, and other neurostimulation devices. At UCLA, he trained in the areas of neuroengineering and microfabrication to develop novel implantable magnetic microactuators for hydrocephalus patients. His current research interests include development of implantable microsystems for neurological application, minimally invasive neurostimulation devices, MEMS-cell interface, and safety and reliability of implantable neurostimulation devices. His research website can be found at:

Jackie Linnes received her Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of Washington in 2010 and a B.S.E. in interdisciplinary engineering from Purdue University. Before joining Purdue faculty she was a postdoctoral associate at Boston University where she worked on design and development of molecular diagnostics for point-of-care detection of infectious diseases including pertussis (whooping cough), African trypanosimiasis (sleeping sickness), and sexually transmitted infections. Prior to this, she was a Fogarty funded postdoctoral fellow working at Harvard Medical School and MIT where she developed low-cost instrumentation to prevent tuberculosis transmission and enhance detection in resource limited settings. At Purdue, she will focus on developing point-of-care devices for rapid disease detection and determining the efficacy of therapeutic interventions via miniaturized bioassays for global health. Her research website can be found at:

Ramses Martinez has joined the faculty of Industrial Engineering and the Weldon School as an assistant professor. Ramses received his B.A. in Physics and Dipl. of Advanced Studies in Physics from Autonomous University of Madrid and his Ph.D. in Physics and Materials Science from the Spanish National Research Council and Autonomous University of Madrid. His research is focused on flexible electronics and optical devices, fabrication of wearable and implantable electro-sensing devices, high efficiency, highly conformable photovoltaics and world health. His research website can be found at: