ECE 30600 - Electronic Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Course Details

Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 1

Counts as:

  • EE Adv Level Lab
  • CMPE Complementary Selective

Normally Offered:

Each Fall, Spring


On-campus only


(ECE 20008 or ECE 20800) and ECE 30100 [may be taken concurrently] and ECE 30200 [may be taken concurrently]

Requisites by Topic:

Prerequisites: Basic electronic circuit analysis; dc and small signal models for transistors Concurrent Prerequisites: Time and frequency domain system analysis techniques such as transfer functions, convolution, Fourier series, transforms, and sampling

Catalog Description:

Experiments in electronic circuits and systems including spectral analysis techniques, sampling, distortion measurements, random signals, signal-to-noise ratio and correlation.

Course Objectives:

To present experimental methods and practical limitations associated with analysis and processing techniques of deterministic and random signals.

Required Text(s):


Recommended Text(s):


Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
  1. an ability to apply simple analog components to develop, build and test instrumentation circuits. [1,6]
  2. an ability to apply time and frequency domain techniques to analyze and design signals and systems. [1,6]
  3. investigate design applications of the fundamental concepts of signals and systems. [1,2,6]

Lab Outline:

List of Typical Experiments
* Methods of Numerical Computation
* Analog Operations
* Spectral Analysis of Signals
* Fourier Series and Its Application
* Sampling Theory and Zero-Order Hold Sampler
* Probability and Noise Processes
* Distortion Analysis
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio
* System Responses (Impulse, Step and Frequency)
* Four laboratory periods are dedicated to individual projects.

Assessment Method:
