ECE 49595 - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Students are allowed to count this course OR ECE 59500 Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms toward ECE credits. If both are taken, one will count as a Complementary Elective.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Elective
- CMPE Selective - Special Content
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2024, Spring 2025
On-campus only
ECE 30200 and ECE 20875 and MA 26100 and MA 26500
Requisites by Topic:
Undergraduate understanding of probability, programming in Python, multivariate calculus and linear algebra
Catalog Description:
This course introduces the foundations and the recent advances of reinforcement learning, an area of machine learning closely tied to optimal control that studies sequential decision-making under uncertainty. It provides a broad overview of different interrelated problems and algorithmic solutions in reinforcement learning and its extensions, such as deep learning-driven methods.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
- Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control , 4th Edition , Dimitri P. Bertsekas , Athena Scientific , 2011 , ISBN No. 13: 978-1886529441
- Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning , 1st Edition , Laura Graesser and Wah Loon Keng , Addison-Wesley Professional , 2019 , ISBN No. 13: 978-0135172384
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction , 2nd Edition , Richard S. Stton and Andrew G. Barto , MIT Press , 2018 , ISBN No. 13: 978-0262039246
Learning Outcomes:
- an understanding of different problem formulations for reinforcement learning. [1]
- an ability to apply various algorithmic solutions to a wide range of sequential decisionmaking problems. [1]
- an ability to simulate data-driven sequential decision-making algorithms and analyze their performance. [6]
Lecture Outline:
Week(s) | Lecture Topics |
1-5 | Fundamentals: Markov Decision Processes, Dynamic Programming, value iteration and policy iteration, model-free methods, and on-policy and off-policy methods |
6-14 | Learning problems and Algorithms: Background on deep learning, deep reinforcement learning methods, policy gradient methods, actor-critic methods, model-based reinforcement learning, models with continuous states and actions, inverse reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning with partial observability |
15 | Case Studies |
Assessment Method:
Homework and exams