ECE 69500 - Computational Bioelectromagnetics
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Areas of Specialization:
- Fields and Optics
Counts as:
Normally Offered:
Fall - odd years
On-campus only
ECE 30411
Requisites by Topic:
Electromagnetics; familiarity with a computer programming or scripting language (Python, Matlab, Fortran, C++)
Catalog Description:
This course covers computational methodologies used for E-field modeling in non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS), electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetoencephalogram (MEG). An emphasis in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each method will be given.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
- The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics , 3rd Edition , Jin, Jian-Ming , John Wiley & Sons , 2015 , ISBN No. 1118842022
Learning Outcomes
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated an ability to:
- Determine the limitations of simulation predictions of the electric field by various numerical methods
- Determine the limitations of simulation predictions of the electric field by various numerical methods
- Implement basic differential equation/integral equation numerical electromagnetic codes
- Use existing fMRI software to segment head MRI images into tissue types and generate head models
- Understand the various methods used by segmentation pipelines like fsl, SPM, and freeSurfer.
- Determine the best tool for a given application and solver parameters.
Assessment Method:
Homework, projects, final exam, and class participation