ECE 39595 - Programming with C++ Lab
This course is not available to students who have completed ECE 39595 Object-Oriented Programming with C++.
Course Details
Lab Hours: 1 Credits: 1
Counts as:
- EE Adv Level Lab
- CMPE Selective
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2021
ECE 39595 Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Requisites by Topic:
A knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming in a language other than C++.
Catalog Description:
This course provides an overview of the C++ language. It covers the basics of the C++ language, including inheritance, virtual function calls and the mechanisms that support virtual function calls. . Students taking this course are assumed to have experience in programming in another object oriented language.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
- C++ Primer Plus , Stephen Prata , Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. , 2011 , ISBN No. 978-0321776402
Learning Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
- an ability to develop and implement solutions to C++ programming problems. [1]
- the ability to develop a solution to a significant programming problem in C++. [2]
- the ability to learn new techniques and the details of techniques needed to implement a significant programming problem in C++. [7]
- a knowledge of the major features of the C++ language. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Lectures | Topic |
1 | Overview, quick test on objects and virtual function calls |
1 | virtual and non-virtual functions |
2 | Constructors, destructors and call order |
1 | Protection levels and access levels |
.25 | Abstract classes and interfaces |
2.25 | Parameter passing and casts, references, copy constructors |
1 | function resolution and containers |
1 | Friend functions and operator overloading |
.5 | Exceptions |
.5 | Multithreading |
1 | Templates |
2 | lvalues and rvalues, other kinds of constructors |
.5 | Linkers and loaders |
2 | Exams |
Engineering Design Content:
- Analysis
- Testing
Engineering Design Consideration(s):
- Economic
Assessment Method:
Homework, Exams, Projects