ECE 30416 - Basics of Engineering Optics
This course was previously offered as ECE 41200. Students are also suggested to consider taking the lab course ECE 30417 together with this course.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Elective
- CMPE Complementary Selective
Normally Offered:
Each Spring
On-campus only
ECE 30100 and (ECE 30411 or ECE 31100) and MA 26200 or (MA 26500 and (MA 26600 or MA 36600))
Requisites by Topic:
Basic concepts of optics such as refractive index, wave propagation, uniform plane waves, reflection and refraction of plane waves, Maxwell's equations, beams, Gaussian beams.
Catalog Description:
Basic control over propagation, reflection, refraction of optical radiation are covered. Applications to optical instrumentation such as microscopy, polarization optics such as wave plates, thin films, and holography are discussed. Geometrical optics including lenses, mirrors, prisms; Huygens' principle, Fermat principle; rays; incoherent light. Physical Optics including gratings, interferometers, diffraction elements, polarizers; Huygens-Fresnel principle. Waves, amplitude and phase, coherent light. Law of reflection and refraction, interference, diffraction, polarization.
Required Text(s):
- Fundamentals of Photonics (Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics) , 2nd Edition , Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Malvin Carl Teich , Wiley-Interscience , 2007 , ISBN No. 0471358320
Recommended Text(s):
- Optics , 4th Edition , Hecht, E. , 2002 , ISBN No. 080-538-5665
Learning Outcomes:
- an ability to analyze simple optical systems including dielectric slabs, thin lenses, and reflectors. [1]
- an ability to model Gaussian beams and the transformation of beams. [1]
- an ability to analyze and design polarization systems, including polarizers and wave plates. [1,2]
- a knowledge of optical interferometers and the operations of interferometers such as the Michelson, Fabry-Perot and double-slit. [1]
- an ability to analyze diffraction patterns. [1]
Lecture Outline:
Lectures | Topic |
1-11 | Ray Optics (10): Reflection, Refraction, Snell's Law (1) Huygens principle, Fermat principle (1), Simple optical components, Reflectors, Mirrors, Prisms (2), Thin lenses (1), Thick lenses, lens systems (1), Chromatic and achromatic aberrations (2), Ray matrices (2) |
12-20 | Wave Optics (9): Monochromatic waves, Optical components, Reflection and refraction by EM approach (2), Diffraction gratings (1), Superposition of waves (1), Interference (2), Two-beam interferometers, Temporal coherence (2), Multiple-beam interferometers, Thin films (1), Spatial coherence (1) |
21-26 | Beam Optics (5): Gaussian beams (3), Transmission through optical components (2) |
27-32 | Polarization Optics (6): Polarization, Jones Calculus (2), polarizers Waveplates (1), Optical Activity, Liquid Crystals (2), Faraday Rotation, Optical Isolators (1) |
33-40 | Fourier Optics (8): Plane waves, Huygens-Fresnel principle (1), Optical Fourier transform (1), Diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction, Fresnel diffraction (2), Image formation, Filtering, Transfer function (3), Holography (1) |