ECE 59500 - MRI Theory

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Areas of Specialization:

  • Fields and Optics

Counts as:

  • EE Elective
  • CMPE Selective - Special Content

Normally Offered:

Each Spring


On-campus only


ECE 30100 (grade of B or better) and ECE 30411 (grade of B or better) and [MA 26600 (grade of B or better) or MA 26200 (grade of B or better)]

Requisites by Topic:

Signals and Systems

Catalog Description:

This course is an introduction to the theory and design of magnetic resonance imaging systems, with an emphasis on theory from a physics and electrical engineering perspective. Mathematical derivations of fundamental principles will be explored. Topics include image acquisition and reconstruction, mechanisms for image contrast and resolution, and an overview of system design including magnets, gradients, and radiofrequency coils.

Required Text(s):


Recommended Text(s):

  1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design , 2nd Edition , Robert Brown, Yu-Chung Cheng, Mark Haacke, Michael Thompson, Ramesh Venkatesan , Wiley , 2014 , ISBN No. 978-0-47-172085-0
  2. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging , 1.2 Edition , Dwight Nishimura , , 2016

Learning Outcomes

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated an ability to:

  • formulate and solve MRI magnetic field problems using Maxwell???s Equations
  • formulate and solve MRI spin and relaxation problems using the Bloch Equations
  • analyze radiofrequency coils with sources and passive elements
  • communicate a special topic related to MRI to an audience
  • acquire and apply new knowledge from recent MRI literature

Lecture Outline:

Lectures Lecture Topics
Topics Introduction to spin systems & relaxation; The rotating frame; Fourier transforms, spin echoes, B0 gradients & the NMR signal; k-Space; Sequences and image equations; Radial acquisition schemes, chemical shift, fat/water imaging; Fast imaging sequences, EPI; MR scanner components; The static magnet, shim coils, gradient system, eddy currents;
Topics Biot-Savart Law, Intro to RF coils: surface coils; Revisiting signal, noise sources, Q-factors, CNR, and SNR; Volume RF coils; Receive array coils, array signal combination; Accelerated parallel imaging: SMASH, SENSE, GRAPPA, parallel transmission; Volumetric imaging; Intro to flow imaging: phase contrast & noncontrast flow imaging; Intro to diffusion imaging: DWI & DTI; Dia-, para-, and ferromagnetism, intro to susceptibility imaging; Intro to MRS; Numerical modeling & FDTD

Assessment Method:

Exams, Homework, Presentations