ECE 59500 - MEMS II: Fundamentals of MEMS Design
This course is the second 1-credit module in a 3-module series that runs the second five weeks of the semester.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 1
Areas of Specialization:
- Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
Counts as:
- EE Elective
- CMPE Selective - Special Content
Normally Offered:
Each Fall
On-campus only
PHYS 27200 or equivalent
Catalog Description:
This course is the second 1-credit module in a 3-module series. This module introduces the fundamentals of MEMS design. We begin with the design and analysis of micromechanical springs most commonly used in successful MEMS devices. Next, we investigate popular transduction mechanisms, which allow the needed conversion of energy between electrical signals and mechanical motion (and vice versa). This is a critical component of all MEMS actuators and sensors. The course focuses primarily on electrostatic and piezoelectric transduction. Modeling of MEMS devices is then considered, with focus on linearized models and electromechanical resonance.
Required Text(s):
- Practical MEMS , Kaajakari, Ville , Las Vegas: Small Gear Pub , 2009
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
- an ability to design and analyze MEMS springs
- an ability to design and analyze capacitive transducers for MEMS devices
- an ability to design and analyze piezoelectric transducers for MEMS devices
- an ability to model linearized MEMS devices and transducers
Lecture Outline:
Lecture | Topic |
1 | Properties of materials |
2 | Beams I: fundamentals of beam bending |
3 | Beams II: designing MEMS springs |
4 | Capacitive Transduction (gap closing) |
5 | Capacitive Transduction (comb drive) |
6 | Piezoelectric Transduction |
7 | Lumped Element Modeling |
8 | Linearized transducers & resonators |
9 | Actuator selection |
Assessment Method:
Homework and exam