ECE 69500 - Ideas to Innovation I

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Areas of Specialization:

Counts as:

Normally Offered:

Each Fall, Spring


On-campus only

Requisites by Topic:

Graduate standing in ECE and enrollment in the ECE project-track MSECE

Catalog Description:

Teams of students will work on faculty-suggested topics or continuing topics from prior year. In this course, each team will define the project goals/metrics, including "proof-of-concept" demonstrations for main aspects of the proposed approach.

Required Text(s):


Recommended Text(s):


Lecture Outline:

1 Major Topics
1 Team formation
2 Definition of project goals/metrics
3 Design review for initial stages of design
4 Preliminary demo

Assessment Method:

Class participation; deliverables related to project.