ECE 60827 - Programmable Accelerator Architectures
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Areas of Specialization:
- Computer Engineering
Counts as:
Normally Offered:
Each Spring
On-campus and online
ECE 56500
Requisites by Topic:
Computer Architecture
Catalog Description:
This class builds on previous knowledge of general-purpose processor design to explore the space of programmable hardware accelerators. Hardware accelerators seek to fulfill the promise of continued performance and energy-efficiency gains in the era of a slowing Moore's law, larger problem sizes and an increased focused on energy-efficiency. These factors have caused hardware acceleration to become ubiquitous in today's computing world and critically important in computing's future. This class will introduce students to the architectures of programmable accelerators. We will delve deeply into the architectures of modern massively parallel accelerators like GPUs, culminating in a course project using an open-source research and development simulator used in academia and industry. General topics in hardware acceleration will be discussed, including but not limited to GPGPU and massively parallel computing, approximate accelerators, reconfigurable hardware and programmable hardware for machine learning.
Required Text(s):
- General Purpose Graphics Processor Architecture , Aamodt, T.M., Fung, W.L., & Rogers, T.G, , 2018
Recommended Text(s):
- Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach , 5th Edition , Hennessey and Patterson
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach , 3rd Edition , Kirk, D.B., & Hwu, W.M.W. , Elsevier, Inc. , 2016
Lecture Outline:
Week | Major Topics |
1 week | General purpose architecture background and the evolution to accelerators Entropy and channel capacity from the detection perspective |
2 weeks | Programming massively parallel accelerators |
1 week | Advances in the GPU programming model |
3 weeks | GPU core design |
2 weeks | GPU memory system and interconnect |
2 weeks | CPU/GPU systems and AMD Fusion architecture |
1 week | Intel Xeon Phi design |
1 week | Custom and reconfigurable accelerators |
2 weeks | Case studies on architectures for machine learning |
Assessment Method:
Programming assignment, paper reading & class participation, final project